
Never an issue with me.

Seek your minerals from food. Whole food.

I was low on copper, but not too low. Still, my ceruloplasmin was on the low range of normal. Since it is widely known that it's hard to get the right amount of copper supplementation, Ray recommends getting it through food such as shrimp. But I didn't eat shrimps because I didn't like that they were farm-raised. So I went with a local crustacean that is made into a paste used for flavoring (bagoong is what it's known as in the Phils. and widely used. I ate that regularly with my cooked greens for a year (making sure I don't overdo it) and a year later, my ceruloplasmin serum levels improved to the high of normal.

He also recommends a weekly serving of oyster for zinc (and vitamin A). And a weekly serving of liver , for vitamin A.

I did just that, and I am much better for it.

Eating whole foods just has a way of getting our intake of these minerals into body just right.

But I only get away with doing this because I live in a place where I can easily obtain such foods fresh without breaking the bank. When I was in the US and living in a city, it was hard to meet my nutritional needs through whole foods, unless I splurge by going to Whole Foods. I had to rely on supplementation.