@b1 No some times we hae like beef stew or lamb chops and steak that isnt made with pufa but its the breakfast cereals and pb&js for lunch that overtime lead me to have a high pufa intake
Posts made by TimmyFailure
RE: Where do I start 17m
Where do I start 17m
Hello I'm 17 years old and found out about this space recently.
I am having weird symptoms like
low temps after meals
unquenchable thirst
excessive urination
always hungry
cant handle sugars at all
very skinny
some low t symptoms
I basically have only ate fat my whole life I basically have got 1-2 decent meals a day with my family but mostly just one good meal a day for the past 17 years.
All my meals my whole life have been PUFA and high fat and low sugar.
I'm trying to switch over to sugar but my body just doesn't know how to react and I get blood sugar swings.
I also blindly followed the ray peat diet and other advice so I ended up eating fat and carbs which worsened my symptomsHow do I get my body to be able to start glucose oxidation instead of fat oxidation.
RE: The benefits of smoking, if any, may be due to lowering endotoxin and estrogen
I dont know your case at all but I do know that people with sleep apnea caused by small jaws and tongue ties due to improper development have low spo2 levels at night and often have lots of issues as there tongue falls back in thier thoat at night blocking air waking them up giving them a big shot of adrenaline so they cant fall back asleep. Also you cant breath as much air when your airway is obstructed by small jaws.
To fix this do palate expansion then tongue tie release then jaw surgery
Look up "jawhacks " on youtube to learn more its a silent epidemic
Not the ay peat perspective but just something I wanted to share that mainsteam health doesn't talk about -
RE: 3-4am waking
small jaws covered up by camouflage/retractive orthodontics you likely have a tongue tie and therefore you have small jaws there fore sleep apnea which causes you to wake up in the middle of the night when your tongue falls back too far in the throat blocking the flow of air then you body wakes you up with a shot of adrenaline.
To fix this do a palate expander then double jaw surgery and tongue tie release