Post what a high progesterone girl looks like here
@Kilgore WASP mogs Amerimutt. My ex was British and she looked high class with Oxbridge accent
@thyroidchor27 said in Post what a high progesterone girl looks like here:
WASP mogs Amerimutt
I remember back in 2016 we were watching the Euros and laughing how ugly British women were compared to all the other nations'. Why do they always wear fake tan, thick layer of makeup and have double chins (often missing a tooth)? In your eyes they probably looked very good as they are an upgrade to your kind. Good luck in your next reincarnation cycle.
My ex was British and she looked high class with Oxbridge accent
High class for a British girl is having only 2 chins, a non-alcoholic father and straight teeth. But im happy for you regardless.
Hight progesterone girls are often bisexual
Thankfully there are no reincarnation cycles, so we do not have to be shittians. Bonglanders are extremely ugly. The excessive makeup comes from low confidence which is a common trait in Britain(not Ireland) for good reasons.I posted this woman in our aesthetics thread. I think she is very good looking.
@Norwegian-Mugabe She is a goddess with healthy beautiful baby.
English women's ugliness might be attributed to low vitamin D. Australians also goddesses while living under sunshine all year long.
@Kilgore lol you midget keep coping with ugly obese amerimutt. Also WASP is not average Brit, you only deal in stereotypes and generalities to cope with your irl . Even Brazil trannies fog Amerimutts
@Kilgore Bonglanders are paler than us Scandinavians. They are aslo super fat. It staggers the mind that humans can become so ugly. I guess the people who moved to Australia were people with a thirst for life. They are not as good looking as us scandies either, and we do not see the sun for more than 5 months. Sun is health inducing, but it cannot explain the whole difference between Aussies and Bonglanders. Also, lol at the Aborigines.
@thyroidchor27 Just take the L and move on. You have been owned badly here. Thats okay white man still likes you. Your chance for white heaven is high. Start watching hockey and vote Republican to maximize it.
@Norwegian-Mugabe said in Post what a high progesterone girl looks like here:
Sun is health inducing, but it cannot explain the whole difference between Aussies and Bonglanders.
Well of course: diet and circumstances explain the rest. In Australia you want to get outside enjoy the sun in England you cant really do that. As for diet they eat Kangaroo meat which I assume is very nutritious. Such majestic animal can only be beneficial for you.
@Kilgore I think historically it has been worse to live in warm places as they have been overcrowded with life forms, which has pushed animals to choose short-term strategy life cycles. Now with security and consisstent food supply for humans, maybe we can see the best eugenic growth going forward in places like Australia.
@Kilgore I will conquer the Midwest
@Norwegian-Mugabe said in Post what a high progesterone girl looks like here:
I guess the people who moved to Australia were people with a thirst for life.
That's my general belief of reasons for superiority of whites in USA,Canada, NZ and Australia, ancestors who took a chance and left European mediocrity behind..
@thyroidchor27 said in Post what a high progesterone girl looks like here:
I will conquer the Midwest
Midwestern white women seem to be very hot (never been there). They are healthy weight and blonde from what I've seen. Probably lots of dairy consumption is the reason. I think its pretty sunny there as well just cold af around the lakes.
There is a sunshine map of the world and you can see how even Edmonton gets more sun than england.
@PissBoy Sydney Sweeney is hot, one of my favorites.
A man of culture
Pretty, good actress, good family, makes $$$, developed and presented a five-year plan to her parents about why they should let her go to hollywood to do acting rather than traditional route of college. She wants to be a young mom and work closely with her husband to have a successful career as producers and directors. I think last year or so Sweeney was a big twitter topic because she had a birthday party for her mom and some family members had red Trump-style hats and Thin Blue Line shirts(or something like that). She refused to condemn them and give into the demands to cancel and renounce her family.
Her interviews are very sweet and I like her; quite frankly, I think that most young hollywood female celebrities are sweet and nice girls but their industry is so exploitive. Sweeney herself had several moments where she almost left Euphoria and other projects because producers and directors wanted her to be naked in scenes multiple times or have her do sex scenes that were really graphic or long.
From what I've seen with her popularity amongst young girls, a single instagram story of Sweeney with Progest-E would overnight put Peaters in the mainstream. idealabs and katherine would run out of everything, millions of young women would be eating the carrot salad, getting checked for mold. They'd have to make new standards for the prescription of penicillin VK and cyproheptadine.
Faith Ordway was high progesterone just a few years ago- very young face and muscles developed nicely. Her bodybuilding regimen has been effecting her. She still looks good but her skin is starting to show the effects of high prolactin and cortisol. She's with some new "nutritionist" so idk what her diet is like.
@Kilgore Australia is a penal colony , Americans have negrito blood. All the best looking men to have graced this earth are European ( Gandy , Delon , Eriksen , Salih )