The Future of Europe
What will the future bring to Europe?
With an ever changing demographic, the speed of change is really starting to ramp up. Demographically, White Europeans are still the majority. However, the majority of Europeans are old, with a mean age of 44 years old, well past their reproductive prime. White Europeans have some of the lowest fertility rates in the world, and we are quite literally drifting away, prioritizing stressful lives at work instead of raising families.
Conspiracy or not, demographic change in Europe is ongoing and imminent, just like North America. My question is, how are people actually okay with this? I am starting to think that this too, is a matter of health and intelligence, and the ignorance towards this topic reflected in millions of Europeans, is quite literally a reflection of poor health, nutrient deficiency and a slow metabolism.
It feels like we lost this one already, without a fight.
@NateHiggers The tide is turning a but in Denmark and Germany anti immigration parties are gaining in strength. This is while the entire social media apparatus is against their progress. Places like Britain are not cold enough I fear. That place seems more cucked than the other European nations. Italy just got containment pilled. It's not close to over.
It's a good question of how society can handle such an old median age. I think Saudi style work permits are a decent choice to allow for lower labor costs. Or just punt on cheap labor and busy yourself trying to automate things
@NateHiggers become anti-blackpillable. It is going to get worse before it gets better, this I know; but we will absolutely rise back to our former glory. As the situation gets worse, white identity will rise. Many will come to see how dire the situation is, and the time will begin to turn. This will not happen soon, perhaps not even in my lifetime, but I am hopeful for the future. We are the most adaptable and brilliant race for a reason; we sent people to the moon and back, I think we are capable of surviving a short lapse in racial identity.
My spirit will rise from the grave and the world will see I was right
@NateHiggers only by growing regional nationalisms, making people defend their land will Europe resist this ongoing attack. It has to be regional as Europe cultural richness expands further from these moderm made up nationalities.
European Union should also fall as it is just another American tentacle to have control at the other side of the Atlantic.
Basically Europe should regain sovereignty, stablish clever connections with neighbour countries and Russia, and send the problematic immigrants home. The non problematic ones should embrace the specific culture and traditions where they live and practice theirs privately at home.
@hootchy the anti immigration parties won't do shit, meloni was a huge red flag to not trust any populist politicians.
@wamantah She is also a woman, I am not shocked at the outcome. There can be no female Hitler.
@wamantah so many people has to realise that nothing good will come from mainstream parties, follow the money they all end up in the same place. The parties that threaten the base where the state is comfortably resting, that's a party that might not be controlled. By analysing closely the behaviour of the party you can tell if it is from the bunch or something different that can change things. In Europe the most feared thing is the fragmentation of the countries due to the cultural reality, that should tell a lot already.
@wamantah I think that's overly simplistic. Sweden detailed a plan to deport all recent arrivals with low incomes. Yes its just a talk but don't be so negative.
I agree with the other above poster on Europe regaining sovereignty. The nation's are organisms and being slaves to USA to some degree has led to learned helplessness. Throwing off the EU and American infiltration to regain sovereignty would cascade into more productive political movements.
@hootchy Recently drove through Denmark and Germany, and I got to witness the "far-right" demonstrations from German farmers, as they were called in various media. It is joyous to see the people actually stand up for something, but I fear Zog is just too mighty, as they always seem to win.
I agree @wamantah, even the rise of AfD is just too good to be true. I've seen it all before with Sverige Demokratene, Gert Wilders, Milei, Meloni etc. These people serve as political relief for the right, giving us a sense of victory while they slowly bleed us to death.
@Hitler I do agree, one should never abandon hope. It is concerning however, that I have to go on health twitter / bioenergetics forum just to meet likeminded people.
@hootchy imagine a European Union, that was European and a real Union?? The destruction of the Euro would also be good in my opinion. Also really important, make peace with Russia we have so much to give and they also do, as a natural neighbour, it's a shame we are being puppeted around by the USA.
Where America leads Europe follows. With the crisis at the US-MEX border and busing illegals to democrat sanctuary cities until they break, the left will come face to face with the reality of the dreams of open borders. Even the ivory tower-ers who are generally shielded from the streets by their doormen, security, and gated communities will fall under the strain of system overload via less garbage pickup, more power outages, more people outside trying to get in.
These same girls who cheered "Refugees Welcome" will be the same ones cheering for you to deport them all. It's amazing how quickly public opinion can be changed in mass media, and group consensus can be flipped on it's head. All that's left is republican contrarians who might suddenly become pro immigration because the left becomes anti. Once America takes this initiative, Europe will follow.
@Martiño You are right. Europe needs identity, which in itself is no problem. Europe is in many ways the birth of high civilization and culture, so there is plenty to be proud of.
You are right about the EU and it serving to make us a puppet state of the US. We are absolutely spineless, the US blew up the Nordstream in front of out eyes and we did absolutely nothing. I believe in a strong Europe, originating from Central Europe. Germany as I see it is Europes only hope. May they rise again
@NateHiggers I agree that it is concerning, but it needs to be, else nothing would happen. The White Race will not revitalize without fighting for it.
The most important thing you can do is to spread your ideas within a sphere you can influence, that is, people you know in real life. Though it feels nice, nothing will ever get done posting about white excellence in an echochamber of people who agree with you. You need to influence people you know in real life.
You need to be an example for people in real life, and they will look up to you. You need to be a powerful personality and influence people onto your side. Can it be uncomfortable? Will you have people who don't like you because of it? Of course, but that's part of the struggle; nothing good comes easy.
Focus on influencing people around you in real life. All else is effectively a waste of time.
@NateHiggers AfD's rise is pretty organic from what i've seen, it's just their ties to Kremlin that is a cause for concern.
@wamantah Ties to Kremlin? Have not heard of, will check out
@NateHiggers Germany is the engine of Europe ( car industry analogy ). The potential that beats in every corner of this continent has no limits, if you have the culture and the history, you already have everything. But the steps must be done carefully because these proto fascists solutions that are popping up are just another trap.
About the USA satellite we are... In my opinion it all began after WW2. The tastiest cake to be split between Americans and Soviets...
@Martiño It was indeed split after the Second World War, but the plan for the new world was well underway before Hitlers Germany. Him being a mere reaction against it, one could say.
Take a look at how pro-European politicians are treated by the MSM today, Victor Orban being a good example. It is almost unbelievable that a nation wanting to remain a nation, is outlawed. From an observers perspective, this should beg the question as to WHO is against Europe being nationalistic? Who benefits from Europe not being nationalistic? Everyone with half a brain should be able to figure out that the benefactors of this sweet deal is certainly not Europeans.
@Martiño Disagree.
The EU in its economical sense is absolutely crucial to European states in order to resist outside influence. You can see how fragile it is even now with Serbia and Hungary pacting with China.
Reforming EU and maintaining the EEA, alternatively another form to keep the OCA theory in practice would prevent a sharp economic downturn - one that would happen should the EU dismantle itself.
I agree that EU as a political entity is corrupt and hostile to the native European but removing it altogether makes little sense. I think even if you did, there would be efforts to bring about a similiar entity to fill the void.
Europe needs to fix its demographic crisis by stopping the disordered and evil use of contraceptives, as well as simply focusing on the family. This would all be a byproduct of repenting and returning to the Catholic Church.
It’s quite ridiculous to complain about an immigration “crisis” without realizing the main reason so many immigrants are coming is to fill the void in jobs that should be filled by young people. See what would happen to the economy if you had no immigration and did not increase birth rates.
@dan-saintdominic I hear this quite often, and I believe it to be a simpleton take. Yes, Europe needs to fix its demographic problems, but how should one fix it, and why did we end up with these problems?
Contraceptives as you mentioned are important. Further, I believe the "liberation" of women, putting them in the work-force, devaluation of our currency, more expensive housing as well as the youth spending their years in institutions like universities, etc. is at the societal root of our demographic problems. One could also say that the general health of the average European is not what is was 100 years ago, with a lot of ultra processed food lacking various nutrients, combined with the always-online stressful lives of the 21st century altogether making us less fertile.
You may find it ridiculous to complain about immigration, but the question you should want to answer is why are people not having children? The reasons, I believe, is listed above.
Next, is it possible to solve this without immigration? Yes.
Would it not be just as economically feasible to invest in the current generation of could-be parents in Europe? What about offering low-interest mortgages, where every child up to 4 children, the government would eliminate 1/4 of the mortgage? Seeing that these children one day will enter the work-force and pay taxes, it's a net positive for the government in the long term. The problem is the myopic belief that population stagnation and decline can only be solved though immigration. We humans are literally replicatory machines, capable of replicating ourselves. The solution of course lies in giving us humans the possibility to replicate ourselves, not enslaving man and female forcing our lives to be an institutionalized journey.
By the way, Immigrants are not free either, and they too have their price, in the form of integration, education etc. A lot of immigration is not what one would call productive immigration either. They bring their entire families, and I'm talking about several generations of family to the country they emigrate to. This is not economically feasible, because old people don't work. The females that emigrate to western countries are also stay-at home moms, so they don't directly contribute to the overall productivity in the country either, besides making non-euopean babies, and eating up tax money, which is what we don't want.
So, why do the governments of Europe push immigration?