@CO3 care to elaborate?

Latest posts made by NateHiggers
RE: Stanolabs DHT gel
@pannacottas how many doses (approximately ) in one bottle?
Do you ship internationally?
Is the shipping done in a discreet way?
Where do you obtain the DHT? PPL?
RE: Libido
@Derraneous hoy mate! It is tempting to write «follow a peaty lifestyle», but i would assume you already do so. I believe libido only expresses itself when there is an abundance og energy or a lack of sexual activity. For example, the more weights i lift, the less horny i get, and the more food i eat, the more horny i get.
I would also differentiate between two kinda of libido. 1) is the unhealthy libido, the urge to get off, the low energy, low effort «itch» that ultimately lowers your energy. 2) is the healthy libido, the one that carries over to your everyday life, essentially your whole essence, your drive.
Apart from eating healthy and living a low stress life (bla bla..), the thing that makes me full of viril and energy is to not bust those nuts. This will literally drive your libido through the roof, and the energy that builds up is nothing short of crazy. So if you have not tried, give it two weeks.
But since people define libido to be different things, what effects are you actually looking for?
RE: How to get rid of dark circles?
@Cezar4911 most people within the bioenergetics sphere would say that coffee is healthy and that it has benefits that outweigh its negatives. However, from personal experience, no stimulant is a net positive, and the internet is riddled with personal anecdotes from people agreeing with coffee being harmful for their health.
From personal experience, getting rid of coffee and sleeping more got rid of my dark eye circles
RE: How to get rid of dark circles?
Stop drinking coffee
Sleep more
Stress less
Get some sun
Eat more nutritious food
RE: Thiamine hcl makes me smell.
@voldtzeig My girlfriend also tells me that I smell whenever I load up on thiamine. However, not in a urine kind of way, but more in a chemical way, the same smell as the thiamine bottle.
TetraPak, polyethylene and endocrine disruption
After throwing a juice carton directly into the fire, I discovered that there was a thin layer of aluminum lining the carton (as is the case in many TetraPak packagings, apparently). Knowing that OJ is acidic, and will therefore cause aluminum leaching, I assumed there was an inner layer of plastic protecting the liquid from the aluminum, which there is. This lining is what TetraPak calls "Food grade plastic", also known as polyethylene, or more precisely low density polyethylene (LDPE). This food grade plastic has of course been found to exert endocrine disrupting effects, as well as being toxic.
- Is this of concern to you to the extent that you only buy glass bottles or squeeze the oranges yourself?
- Is any supermarket food to be considered safe?
- How THE FUCK do these manufacturers get away with this shit? I did attend some ecological toxicology classes in uni, where we learnt all sorts of interesting stuff. However, the emphasize on "dosage makes the poison" as the central dogma within toxicology really clouds the debate. For example, the safe exposure levels of methylmercury is set at 5.8 mcg/L. This "safe" level is the level where you generally see no adverse effects. This does not mean that it is to be considered "safe". This does not mean that with mercury levels of 5.8 mcg/L you will be at optimal health. Given the choice between eating a piece of tuna with "safe" levels of mercury, and one without mercury whatsoever, I believe most people would chose to eat the piece without any mercury, as we humans inherently understand that poison = bad. My point here is that regulatory agencies should aim for absolutely zero toxicants in our food supply, or other products for that matter. But by having a dogma arguing for "safe levels" of toxicants, the regulatory agencies are allowing manufacturers to poison us.
Some links regarding LDPE:
Majority of plastic food contact articles likely endocrine and metabolism disrupting
https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acs.est.3c08250LDPE inhibits bioluminescence in A. fischeri (i.e. is toxic) https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acs.est.9b02293
Bovaer, 3-NOP: "Futuristic milk"
The biggest dairy in Norway (Tine) has taken it upon themselves to save the planet. By adding "Bovaer", or 3-nitrooxypropanol (3-NOP) to the cows feed, the methane inhibitor aims to reduce the methane emissions from cows by approximately 25%.
What consequences will this have on the cows themselves? Further, what consequences will this have on the consumers of dairy? I have read speculation regarding the intestinal flora being disrupted by the additive, possibly also in the consumers of the products from these cows.
Bovaer is developed by "DSM Nutritional Products Ltd DSM".
RE: Pregnenolone and Progesterone refused by Canadian Customs
I have gotten preg through customs all the times i have ordered it in Norway
RE: Stopping teeth grinding in sleep
Quitting caffeine helps me every time. Masseter massages also seem to help.