Anyone got a good vitamin K supplement for eu?

Latest posts made by voldtzeig
RE: Get yourself a compression ice cream maker
485g cream
242g milk
149g sugar
4g salt
40g milk powder (optional)
120g egg yolkI like it with vanilla, works great with a honeycomb/caramel ice cream aswell.
If you use the base for chocolate etc might wanna use 2g salt instead. 4g really is great though.
Don't let it get above 85 degrees C and keep it around that heat for a minute or two before letting it cool for atleast 12h.
I've also noticed that you can just mix everything at once and heat it to 85, no need to do the "pour over" on the eggs before pouring it back.
Mastic gum - EU
Anyone got a good link to some good mastic gum? Most sites I find seem scammy and expensive.
Is it necessary to bloom the gelatin or can I just dry scoop it? I've read about better digestibility if bloomed but are there any other reasons?
RE: Thiamine hcl makes me smell.
@LucH my urine smells fine. I smell like urine or like Nate says, like the smell of b vitamins.
I also took a b-vitamin complex and increased my dose of magnesium. I'd love it if you could send a link btw!
RE: Thiamine hcl makes me smell.
@NateHiggers this is the same smell I get, did you find a way to stop smelling while taking the thiamine? I just find that the b-vitamins smell like bad urine.
Thiamine hcl makes me smell.
Hey, I just bought a bag of thiamine hcl and after dosing 0.5g daily for a week or two I smell like urine. Anyone else having this issue with thiamine, is it a brand issue or hcl issue? Whenever I stopped the smell vanished. It's still stuck in old clothes and items I havn't washed since. Think it came from my sweat.
RE: Help with EU Sources
@BabyDuck is this beef gelatin and decent quality? Insane price.
RE: Wife having issues with her focus.
@Peatful she's eating a lot, wouldnt really call peating that restrictive. She gets 8-10h sleep a day. Just mainly wondering if something could help her memory and focus. Something to incorporate.