Skim Milk Powder Recipes
Tried again. Again, a completely different texture. I need to start measuring more properly. But I used a lot of lemon zest, and found out that complements the milky flavor impeccably.
They were so soft and flat this time, I decided to fold them on top of each other and squish them and then cut. This made me think this is the perfect texture for cinammon rolls or something. As I said, the flavor in these is incredible. I used more vanilla, a full lemon's zest, cinammon, a bit of cardamom.
@CO3 said in Skim Milk Powder Recipes:
made em again. More cookie-like this time. Not sure what I did different. I think more powder, lol I'm the worst at writing recipes
This one is still my best result, cookie wise.
This time my dough collapsed even more, and was very soft.
So I made a cake with the rest of the batter and used the 'cookies' (rather one solid sheet) as a sort of base to put homemade marmalade in between.a. No starch. Lots of lemon zest, cloves, cinnamon, bourbon vanilla extract.
Some more pictures of my casual invention, the Skim milk powder Cake:
So I tried this cookie recipe today. They cook up really fast, so that's kinda convenient. I did play around with the recipe some. I used coconut oil instead of butter, and I added some casein protein to kick up the protein content a little bit. I thought it might also add to the texture of the cookie a little. The end result was a product that tasted quite good and was edible, but I do notice an issue with the texture. I'm going to have to play around with the dry and wet ingredients a little more. The original recipe actually didn't have much wet in it at all, just the eggs and butter.
wonder how they would taste with some wheat/oat bran added to them? That's still relatively strachless, as there's not much starch in the bran. It would also add a great deal of texture.
Just wanted to chime in and say I remade the cookie today and it turned out much much better. I scaled down the operation for one, made it with 1/2 cup of powdered milk and 1/4 cup of sugar. I kept the 1/4 cup of butter (I subbed with coconut oil) the same though. Only one egg. I also added my casein protein again.
I think the scale down of the recipe helped, but I believe the biggest difference was I took it out much earlier and didn't let it cook that long. It came out of the oven very flabby and resembling an under-cooked mess. But after about 10-15 minutes they actually hardened up more like a real cookie. They ended up having the perfect texture and tasted literally like sugar cookies. I'm on the right track with this method, I do think I'm going to experiment some more with it though. Like adding some bran or something.
Wow, so with regards to the pancakes, I didn't realize they go a lot better when you don't add sugar beforehand. I never used to make regular pancakes, so maybe this is common knowledge
@CO3 I know you’re looking for skim milk powder recipes but for pancakes I use casein powder and I find it turns out better. Recipe is:
2 eggs beaten
1/2 cup casein - I use as there’s no weird gamey taste
1/2 cup milkThen just fry in butter. Makes 2 large pancakes.
I substitute skim milk powder when I want to make crepes but they’re more finicky to cook properly.
@CO3 They turn out fine though? and delicious
I've been adapting the recipe a bit, and am getting amazing results.
The trick is to use less eggs. To have one egg per half a cup of powder. NO salt because it dries out. Baking soda doesn't, and it helps it to puff up. So only those three ingredients.
A bit burnt but these were very good apart from that. Important to watch out for burning, I cut off all the slightly black parts because the milk powder is not healthy when burnt:
Then you put it in the pan on low-medium heat, with LOTS of butter/coconut oil/ tallow, like lots and lots. then once the under side hardens just a bit, you put a lid on it, and turn the heat down a bit (this is the hardest part, it depends on the stove. For an induction i go from 5 to 3) and then you wait a minute. You flip it, lid back on, another 45 seconds or so. Then heat goes back up and you get a nice crust. This encloses the moisture in the pancake, making it less dry despite having less eggs than the regular recipe.
bad pic. but it simply sort of tastes like a brioche bun:
Today I ate them with Caprice des Dieux (brie type cheese) and some pickles, with some ketchup. Sounds weird, but it tasted like a cheese burger minus the meat. I wil make a burger soon. Absolutely delicious
C CO3 referenced this topic on
Very bad pics but I decided to try my hand at some burger type thing using some sausage I had left over. The buns were still too soft in the middle. i skewed the powder - egg ratio a bit too much and the heat on this stove didnt go low enough. But the thickness is amazing. It was delicious anyway.
@CO3 I was skimming the reddit forum and you posted this there. Holy crap between all your posts here and there you literally never leave the basement. And your posts are just as aggressive and ignorant over there from the looks of it.
@Solrig my personal stalker
at least you get through live vicariously through a better man
@CO3 you're the one stalking the peat forums with your metabolically deranged posts. No amount of cloud bread will help you leave your basement.
@Solrig Calling a recipe invented by Dr. Ray Peat decades ago after a TikTok trend to own... yourself? idgi
go outside
@Solrig said in Skim Milk Powder Recipes:
@CO3 you're the one stalking the peat forums with your metabolically deranged posts. No amount of cloud bread will help you leave your basement.
He might be standoffish but I like his recipes.
@Mulloch94 good for you but anyone who calls someone a pussy because his stupid ideas aren't embraced on a peat inspired forum is more than standoffish. He also posts aggressively on Reddit peat forum.
@Solrig I don't know anything about his presence on Reddit. I went to the r/raypeat section one time simply to ask about any RPF alternatives (it paid off, because they gave me this place). I try and stay off Reddit, it's basically "woke capital" of the internet.
But don't get butthurt simply because someone called you a pussy. It's the most generic lame ass insult anyone can give. And it speaks more about their mental and metabolic health than yours.
I don't think I've had a single pleasurable interaction with that CO3 dude, but it doesn't bother me the slightest. What's that saying..."Don't stop at every barking dog along the way, or you'll never get to your destination." Something like that, I probably butchered it but you get the point, lol.
Is anyone concerned about the reported nanoparticle technology RayPeat talked about with Jodelle? He said he had not used or recommended milk powder anymore, as he could not get confirmation that the milk powder was not coated with nanoparticles, which he said were cancerous and inflammatory.