Progesterone is protective against lethal doses of histamine and endotoxin, may bind to endotoxin directly
haidut made an underrated post on The Forum That Shall Not Be Named on the protective effect of progesterone on cats administered lethal doses of histamine and endotoxin. At the time of the post the study was not available anywhere online. I am pleased to announce the full text is now indexed by scihub, available here:
Most notable is the possibility that progesterone may actually bind to and inactivate endotoxin directly:
Endotoxin, progesterone, and endotoxin that had been incubated at 37°C. with progesterone for one-half hour were extracted with ether. The ether was evaporated and the resulting extract diluted with saline. Progesterone is ether-soluble, and as was expected, when the progesterone was extracted by itself most of the progesterone was in the ether extract. When ether extracts of the progesterone-endotoxin mixture were prepared, there was little yield in the ether extract. The ether and aqueous extracts of endotoxin and the endotoxin-progesterone mixture were administered to a series of animals and the blood pressure and survival rate determined.
The preliminary results of our work with the ether and aqueous extracts of progesterone and endotoxin, and the increased survival obtained with prior incubation of endotoxin with progesterone, appear to indicate that progesterone may form an in vitro bond with the endotoxin compound. This has been suggested as a possible alternate explanation of the action of aldosterone and endotoxin (3, 4). Whether this results in direct inhibition of the endotoxin or the inhibition is mediated through unknown substances in vivo is pure conjecture at this time.
HED is 1mg/kg, or ~80mg for a ~180lb subject. I can personally attest that this dosage is far more effective than activated charcoal or any other binder when it comes to alleviating heavy endotoxin load.
haidut's original blogpost can be found here: Progesterone may bind and deactivate endotoxin (LPS) directly
D DavidPS referenced this topic on
Can progesterone be taken indefinitely, or does the body become capable to unregulate processes that start to clear what it deems as elevated levels of a hormone?
I'm sure Haidut has mentioned that before. Homeostasis is such a b!tch. Just let me have my fun.
@stag Progesterone cream just as effective or must it be oral?
@stag thank you so much for this, I always wanted to read this study fully, much appreciated