unable to troubleshoot hypothyroidism, anemia...
@winters High RDW from my knowledge is always about Iron.
@winters how is your ferritin? Transferrin and hemoglobin?
@winters Ok no iron trial yet then, whats your typical diet & what supplements are you taking?
from what I read the MPV can still be that low >7.2 in commonly "healthy" people , so sometimes can indicate a bone marrow problem but not necessarily. But yeah RDW commonly high with iron anemia as razvan said https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/2766669/
stuff like metal toxicity / oxidative stress / or lacking protection through glutathione catalase can effect red blood cells. autoimmune RBC destruction from viral infection or IgG,
but if youre losing more iron than youre taking in over time, only iron is gonna fix the effects of iron depletion properly right.
u already ruled out the B vitamin & copper anemias (copper deficiency can be mistaken for bone marrow problem). we usually lose 1mg - 2mg iron a day depending on activity level if arent actively bleeding. and only absorb a small % of iron. so it might be as simple as getting an iron surplus for a while.
I forgot to include it but I did consume plenty of iron and it didn’t help anything.
@winters u arent anemic by this , rbc and hemoglobin is good, what problems are you trying to solve specifically ? & how much protein & carbs do you eat?
Do you guys think that it could be like a parasitical infection?
not sure, but your white blood count & granulocytes are loweating 2 small cans of pineapples a day (280g) can increase these a lot (and NK cells for early immunity) and reduce infection frequency
and probably ensuring you eat enough protein -
@winters, from my understanding, foam in the urine is protein (kidney issues) and bubbles are gas (digestive issues). A coated tongue could be bacteria or candida/thrush. If you can brush it off easily, it’s bacteria. Thrush typically results in bleeding when trying to remove it. It’s difficult to tell without inspecting your entire mouth—thrush often appears on other tissues of the mouth, not just the tongue—but from your pic, it looks like bacteria. Since your creatinine and albumin levels have normalized, ruling out issues with kidney function, and you mention hypothyroidism, could you have an overgrowth of bacteria in your small intestine? It’s common in those who have poor thyroid function. When I had SIBO and intestinal inflammation (gastritis), I experienced a coated tongue and gas bubbles in my urine that could have been mistaken for foam, and my CBC levels were out of range.
I took an antihelminitic so maybe parasites can be ruled out…
I don't think this has anything to do with nutrition, how about pesticides? they seem to be linked to aplastic anemia
how does one get rid of these?
@Razvan what is your iron anemia protocol? do you take iron rich foods?
would you post any study links on this if you have them already