@Cezar4911 Did your acne come back at all after going off? any adverse effects? My gf is thinking about going on minocycline and I'm just trying to gauge the effectiveness of the tetracycline class drugs. Is doxycycline the preffered option?
@Cearrson it seems you need a prescription for all these tetracycline drugs as well. any effective over the counter alternatives or is it worth just getting the prescription? She just isnt from here and doesnt have a local doctor to get it from, but that could be remedied fairly easily ofc.
@Cearrson I wanted to just order it off of chewy but you need a pet prescription for it as well, thought I found a slick loophole.
@Cearrson i did doxy because its cheaper and very effective
It will nuke endotoxin load from the gut and give you sort of a "new start"
If we are talking about "natural remedies" your best bet is the daily carrot salad and boiled
I live in romania so i found a website that sells it,managed to bypass the prescription requirment by lying in the email(said i had used that medication in the past)
My acne never went back to looking severe,doxy cycle set a new kind of "standard"
If youre very experienced with peaty nutritional info,your condition could only improve after having removed most endotoxin via doxy -
I did 100mg once a day/2weeks after meal with absolutely no problems
Take into account im 6'4 and 225 pounds -
it can be a good idea to take Saccharomyces Boulardii if you are getting any diarrhea from doxy.
Anti androgenic and It caused me kidney colic
In the end I actually didn't go through with it due to fearmongering from my retarded doctor who would not "bless" using it for only two weeks, I know he's retarded but due to communist propaganda, I am still a tiny bit scared of using antibiotics without a doctor saying its ok.
Do a cycle with oil of oregano, itโs a very powerful and natural antibiotic.
Gaia has the best type of oregano oil pills