Depopulation agenda what is the long term goal?
gg, he's not gaslighting you. He just sat down. You're on opposite sides of the road yelling at eachother. Cease.
@Uncover said in Depopulation agenda what is the long term goal?:
The grand disoriented psychotic beliefs of authoritarian and serotonergic people that live in a culture where its highstatus to seem openminded is the exact precise behavior you are displaying. I am as truthbased as you could get and have a long trackrecord of being right. You are very wrong. If you think you are right give me your large amount of observabilities, connection to every aspect of life, the proof of knowledge of these different cultures and ideas being read in on through all angles, how each peice of truth fits perfectly in to a puzzle where all the peices fit togheter as if they were next to each and every other peice. People that have your belief it never fits the puzzle. Essentially its just as wrong as the mainstream idea of these matters.
I'm assuming you're trolling.
I don't think I mentioned my beliefs other than my belief about others' beliefs. If you're criticizing my beliefs about others' beliefs than your truthbased take is not wrong. Jews are their own race and religion. They don't view God-fearers, Jewish converts, or Christians as equal but as slaves. I don't think every piece fits exactly, and that we can't know this if it did, but I think there is a truth to various matters, and trying to learn and understand that truth is the work of philosophers and fools. I think Catholicism and Islam have been convenient extensions of Abraham / Judaism. Some theosophists speculated about a historical Jesus traveling to India or east Asia in youth and returning with wisdom. Sounds ridiculous.
Why all the stress on his dying at age 33? Why the Masonic 33? Why the vesica piscis, the fish, the 153 fish story, the age of Pisces beginning at "0 AD" and ending this century? Why four gospels, the four ends of Earth, the four of the sun-cross, the four evangelists who take shape as four beasts in the Apocalypse and yet also resemble the four sides of the Zodiac? Anyways, I've read books on Jesus and Buddha - many scholars see this parallel. It's possible there was a historical Jesus. -
@Uncover said in Depopulation agenda what is the long term goal?:
Yes secret societies is not running the world. A cooperative elitist group runs the world.
Bruh "cooperative elitist group" is what a "Secret society" is. Satanism is a scam pushed by Jews going back to LaVey. Satan means "accuser" and the evangelists refer to Jews as a synagogue of Satan. Ironic given that Paul wrote the New Testament. He was probably preaching to converts to Judaism whom the Pharisees did not want pretending to be Jewish because they were not ethnically Jewish. So they created the very Jewish inspired literature of Jesus Christ.
@Uncover said in Depopulation agenda what is the long term goal?:
But their intense on purpose attack to make us serotonergic, weak, stupid and authoritarian paired with the ridiculous amount of psychological warfare we are bombarded with has succeded making people so braindead, psychotic and authoritarian that 50% of the population wish people that speak up against this madness dead is why it is not common knowledge. If that device paired with the other tech held away from the population got released poverty and slavery would easily be solved quickly.
100% I agree with you. Whether it's Satan or esoteric Babylonian magic adopted by Jews and other elite religious and political heads... I think the movie Prince of Darkness is interesting. It shows a world where evil is materially real and hidden/protected in a Church catacombs.
@ThinPicking said in Depopulation agenda what is the long term goal?:
But separating the money from the currency was probably not a good idea.
Theft is as old as time and money, though.
What's spooky is the idea or likelihood that biometrics will be the next currency. Anarcho-tyranny and crypto-slavery. -
@gg12 said in Depopulation agenda what is the long term goal?:
So there is obviously a depopulation agenda.
endocrine disrupters, EMFs, PUFA, Chemtrails all these things that cause people to die and have to give a fat check to the healthcare system to live for a few more years.
But what is the goal keep only the best humans alive? Depopulation then repopulation? I don't understand the goal. Maybe its a resource thing and they don't have enough resource to enslave a huge population yet? Although it seems like they already have with all the sickness today.Hi, what matters most is the energetic state of the people who contribute to the things you mentioned, their "reasoning" matters less, potentially some of them are people with tendencies to kill what they don't like, to try to kill what stresses them, this is common even in animals, adult males specifically have tendencies to kill, not only to eat, they can kill the children of the females with whom they want to reproduce for example.
@Corngold said in Depopulation agenda what is the long term goal?:
Theft is as old as time and money, though.
Absolutely a fair point. I don't mean to twist it if you didn't mean to imply this. But "we" are the problem. And so are "they". Which to my "mind" makes this an us thing.
likelihood that biometrics will be the next currency
That's not a currency but I know what you mean. The mob seem to have an issue with an extension of "social credit" and I can think of a million more ways to game it. Just as the the encryption arbiter of a "programmable" "currency" can.
Maybe there's a better idea. But we might have to go there first.
@Truth said in Depopulation agenda what is the long term goal?:
Hi, what matters most is the energetic state of the people who contribute to the things you mentioned, their "reasoning" matters less, potentially some of them are people with tendencies to kill what they don't like, to try to kill what stresses them, this is common even in animals, adult males specifically have tendencies to kill, not only to eat, they can kill the children of the females with whom they want to reproduce for example.
@Corngold No matter if its your belief or others doesnt matter. I assumed it was your belief which if its not then I apologize for assuming that. But it doesnt change my stance on the discussed belief... Its highly odd that you claim just because its not your belief that I was discussing about and only others belief that that means that it is wrong. That makes no sense, no matter if you believe in it or not doesnt change the content and context of the beliefs I was discussing.
@Corngold I agree with this 99%, the only thing I would change is that in the event that this happens (90% likely) it will be more that biometrics connected with your social score would control your currency and what you can by with your currency. Its very likely that this happens after all. The bill about crypto regarding unrealised taxes and buying and selling no more than 1000 dollars in it per year is passing 24th january. Goes in to effect i believe 27th july if I remember correctly. If you have the right company structure you will be able to steal the money they still from the public. Instead of the money going from public to the satanist it instead goes into your pocket lol. That would be a shortterm play ofcourse. But one thing is sure, the credit score wont effect me if I have enough time to setup the same structure they themselfs use that will let them be unnafected by it. I will post ascource for this soon but I heard they are not taking in more people but his program is still open so I think he is letting some more join. Its expensive though
@Truth 100000000000000000% this is perfectly aligned with the things I think also man. Cause their "reasoning" is formed by what their illogical psycho emotions and desires makes them feel and want instead of good morals, care for truth or logic. And their reasoning in that state is not about what they actually stand for but just a public facade of what they want to be seen as, which is based on their obsession with status and how people view them instead of actually having the morals that would actually logically be able to cause the reasoning they try to make it seem they have, which is why their actions never fit their fake moral reasoning, they dont even understand those morals and think their claimed reasoning makes sense to people who have those morals eventhough it doesnt. When they have no care for truth or other people and only how other people view them it just ends up being a whole lot of deformed reasoning not even connected to their actions whatsoever lol.
The people that built our world and the laws that justify it must see this…
Cancer is a disease characterized by the uncontrolled growth and spread of abnormal cells in the body. These cells can form tumors, which are masses of tissue. The abnormal cells grow and multiply uncontrollably, often spreading to other parts of the body through a process called metastasis. This spread can lead to the formation of new tumors (cities) in distant organs.
If we see life as energy and structure are the same thing, what structures are our cities?
Depopulation or repopulation are not the topic of concern it’s how do we stabilize our world, our environment? We are the world, we are the environment. What is Our energy and structure contributing to? Regeneration of ourselves, our family, our town? Or energy consumption for feeding some tumor like culture? I picture the digital culture and the endless servers for storing all our data. The mining of minerals to make it run…So once again, the powers that be approach cancer with a “depopulation” approach.
Cut it out, burn it out, poison it out. It being you and me. That is how they see us, a tumor, and that is what they are doing to control their problem. Whether they admit it or not. That is the modern paradigm that they see the world as.
Surviving this is not going to be an easy task for all of us. But I believe through Rays work and the spread of Bioenergetic regenerative energy we can.I apologize if someone already said all this on the thread I just couldn’t read anymore of the back n forth nonsense about who’s religion or kingdom did what when and bla bla soap opera.
I'm not sure it's so (mis)calculated but still a reasonable illustration.
The long-term goal is to bring down the population to 500,000,000
(500 million) and then have a "0-growth society" which basically means that the population does not exceed 500,000,000.Basically 7.5 billion people have to be gone by 2050 or 95% of the population has to be gone by 2050.
It's that simple.
Don't overcomplicate it.
Behold. The source of climate change.
@gg12 (im the black jew)
I think Israel should be multicultural, in fact I think it's the first country that should be filled with Ethiopian jews especially and if people who aren't jewish wanna live there too I support that as well. your accusation that im against that is totally untrue. I also think white cultures are valuable too and I don't think that they are so fragile that the existence of black and brown etc people in the same countries will wipe them out. I appreciate the viewpoint though, even though it's based in fear. if you don't want to live around stinky brown people that's fine too, you'll just have to find a gated community or some particular location where these people are kept out.
its funny you say im such and such. I have a super deep appreciation of anglo culture for instance and value them foremost for their contributions in literature and media, and I just like the people. I don't think they are going to go extinct because there's muslim enclaves in Birmingham etc. I find muslims annoying as hell especially when they say their arabic phrases in passing conversation, it feels weird and gay but I don't care about it that much. I ate some muslim brand halal samosas today made with coconut oil (im doing that thing where I talk about the immigrant food lolololol I can't help myself ). Some of the best people I meet are Germans as well and I fondly call some of them my good friends. hope that gives you a better perspective of my perspective. immigrants are gonna take what they earn in the market system and if it bothers you , you can become an authoritarian communist or fascist. overall its probably time for Germany to stop letting so many migrants in because it's over the top at this point but nobody is gonna "remigrate" them without having themselves be followed home at night, there's even second generations being born of migrants in Europe now and it's the only home they know. the idea that this is going to be turned back and all the lands purified of the blacks and browns is an incel wet-dream.
and I notice I capitalized Ethiopian and Israel and not white or anglo (White and Anglo, there I said it), im just lazy at typing and hopefully you don't think that's some sort of jab. im not changing it now lol xD
just be real are you gonna put on a bulletproof vest and go knock down doors to deport people who've never lived anywhere else based on their ethnicity and at this point for many, the color of their skin (because many of them fit in seamlessly aside from the different skin color). if not then what's even the point of complaining. if you are though, that type of nigga, then big ups and have fun!
@JamesGatz dude for how much mad game you talked over the years about yourself and others in comparison, if that's really you in your pfp I gotta say im underwhelmed. I was expecting some giga chad nordic blue eyed fair skinned dude, you literally look like a turk or Pakistani that's been out of the sun for too long (Pakistani got auto-capitalized)
1,) the depopulation bioweapon failed miserably
2.) the depopulation jabs (if that's what they were) also failed at depopulating
3.) the rival team that follows the superabundance path are growing richer and stronger everyday while the low-test beta cortisol depopulation losers are getting ridiculed and made fun of and mercilessly mocked
@ThinPicking I have a stack of texts on why the gold standard is gay and retarded and I will formulate a contrarian response to you after reading
@gg12 also replacement implies one is being taken out and another put there. it's dishonest to say that. augment is more accurate. that term implies a positive effect though which may tickle u badly.