Antibiotics for parasites and H pylori
My daughter who lives in Nicaragua has been tested positive for different parasites, amoebas and H pylori and got this antibiotic cure for it.
She's going to do it because she feels bad.Any thoughts?
I know nothing about this.
What would be good things to eat once she's finished it?Thanks.
@happyhanneke Albendazole is supposed to be effective against parasites.
Not sure about the above meds only that Peat said that amoxicillin was among the less risky antibiotics. Another thing he would say was to take much lower doses of an antibiotic than people usually take. A fourth or even less, then adjust according to symptoms and results. -
the floroquinolones chelate minerals and part of the recovery protocol for the illness that can be caused by them is small doses of magnesium throughout the day. not supposed to take minerals alongside the antibiotic though. if the dose of the floroquinolone is 2x a day i suggest her to take magnesium 50mg at a time or drink coconut water, at times away from dosing the antibiotic.
i suggest to tell her to be aware of tendon issues, particularly achilles tendon and to not do strenous exercise while on the floroquinolone and probably wait awhile after the course is done while making sure to get a nutritious diet to recover after. Some people claim just a few doses of the floroquinolone was enough to cause them long term disability. Lots of people take them with no issue, though.
I gave a pet a floroquinolone and they immediately suffered muscle wasting and tendon issues which took some time to recover from. The dose length was excessive and I was uninformed about the risk until after the course was done. They can be nasty drugs but at the same time are effective against bacteria in a way other classes of antibiotics aren’t.
There is a paper that explains this called floroquinolone associated disability.
If she is unsure and willing to manage her own medication maybe she could take the other two medicines (if they are separate capsules) and do something else to target the bacteria the floroquinolone is prescribed for.
For H. Pylori, things like sulforaphane from cabbage and brocolli sprouts and methylene blue and even honey and coconut oil etc are effective.
ginger alongside amox might be good because that emulates amox-clauv, which is effective also against a wider range of bacteria.
@happyhanneke said in Antibiotics for parasites and H pylori:
Any thoughts?
I know nothing about this.Against H. pylori in regions with endemic resistancies instead of going for a fluoroquinolone-based antibiotic combo (as offered with the package above) afaik a bismuth quatruple therapy would be much safer.
Dunno if available in Nicaragua.
In Argentina it'd be called "Trylori", as seen here under "Equivalencias internacionales":
The metronidazole it contains is no candy either and will leave an aftermath of damaged cells and mitochondria and works well against amoeba, though.Also, I don't see the prescribed antibiotic to have any effect against parasites. Amoeba maybe.
Against parasites you'd need to know which.
I recommend against albendazole if possible because that is super brutal.
The much less absorbed mebendazole is the tolerable choice for action within the intestinal lumen, if the parasites in question are susceptible to that and do not require a differenct substance class altogether.