t3 In summer is death sentence how to do DNP safely
My mind is radiating heat like shit getting rape mindset I think testosterone from t3 or uncoupling is doing something i like when buddy boyo cartal behead a nigga and skinned the nigga head cut his dick and put it in his mouth
One day I will also do that to a dalit cut his dick put in his mouth behead head then I will laugh like a beast it would be my peak levels of darktraid spirits outburst from my body then drink the Dalits blood like a hungry Komodo dragon
@thyroidchor27 laughed so hard! really good! just like BAP! throw a little baby speech in there and you're HILARIOUS
I got a mild stoke symptom pain at 18
Now Muhh go kys yes i will get killed one day
Im a deformed lil monkey with mild to moderate pectus carinatum asymmetrical(sternum is fucked ) becuz of that it affect lungs and i have the weirdest type of scoliosis with anterior sc joint dislocation and many other shit but autistic brain still need 2pack of cigg i will do it no matter wtf
Btw hail satan
@thyroidchor27 you good now?
@Kilgore Nevermind. Clearly not. What are you taking at this moment?
*DMT A to B graded (not dangerous shit or affect health like cocaine)
*LsN(better than LSD very expensive)
*Fentanyls (planning to buy the gigadaddy sarrr carfentanil)
* -
@thyroidchor27 said in t3 In summer is death sentence how to do DNP safely:
How do you feel? explain.
Isnt fentanyl going to kill you? Do you have a job?Also, how do you plan to fix your pectus excavatums deformity?
Ya all are lucky i wish nobody have this shit pectus carinatum its beyond brootal than having adam driver’s midface it looks like my chest is like protruding like shit or like i got impregenated by xenomorph and chest about to brust
.thing can only fixed by surgery and my poor ass cant afford it .only people with this shit i have know how brootal it is.
It dont stop there i have slight permanat heart palpation caused by this shit and im only 18I might not live longer but i will rameriz maxx before my death
@thyroidchor27 hopefully ur trolling which is fairs i fell for it. tough to read these things and sound tough as hell to live with. Spending your money on drugs will not solve your problems tough pal.
@thyroidchor27 said in t3 In summer is death sentence how to do DNP safely:
adam driver’s midface
Why is it bad?
did you ever work through this psychosis?