I have been trying Lisuride recently and it has been one of the most noticeable and beneficial things from IdeaLabs I have tried yet. It has substantially changed my mood, flow, drive, motivation. A real noticeable change. My wife even commented on how just upbeat I’ve been lately. Very unstressed and can handle stressful situations much much easier.
With that being said is anyone aware of the downside of taking this for extended timeframes? Could it lead to dopamine down regulation? I’m imagining I already had low dopamine based on the beneficial this has been for me. But could it exasperate the issue and cause a dependence?
I don't think it could lead to long-term desensitization. Agonizing a dopamine receptor shouldn't be any different from agonizing a serotonin or androgen receptor. The biggest problem is the effects might not be as pronounced with continuous use, so you may need to cycle to continue feeling its effects. With Lisuride as well, I heard it's very potent and the effect is very noticeable, but it only lasts a little while in comparison to something like bromocriptine.
@Lothric do you use it topically or orally? What is your dose? Thanks
@BeamsOfEnergy I’ve used it both. Usually I use topically on my wrists. Take 5-8 drops. Although the first time I only tried two. As others have said it seems to become less potent after extended uses so I’m going to cycle it
How long have you been taking lisuride?
@JulofEnoch I took it for a week. Effects started to get less pronounced so I’m cycling off this week. Going to try it again after this week.
Are you back on Lisuride?
@RandomUser I take it periodically maybe once or twice. Effects are less noticeable but I’ve also been in an elevated mood ever since the first dose. I have read on the Peat forum that it is like LSD in the sense that it can shift your mindset for a long time so it might just be useful as a “as needed” tool. It does lower prolactin so I generally dose it after intimate time with my wife
@Lothric I think they're wrong