Sleep paralysis was always an extremely harrowing and traumatic experience for me. I was never able to calm down when I'd entered a state of paralysis, even when I was fully cognizant that I was in paralysis. I would wake up, unable to move, unable to breathe, unable to speak. Below are a few different experiences.
A vivid experience was when I awoke with paralysis and a dark shadow figure looked like he was leaning over my face and staring down it me. I could feel the tilt of the bed as it's hands pressed into the bed so it could support itself as it leaned over me. I was absolutely convinced it was a person in my room too dark to see.
Another experience I had was a series of deep hallucinations while in paralysis. I woke up and was in the state of paralysis, and I slipped back into a dream that I had woken up from that night and decided to explore around my block. I entered someone else's apartment (an apartment that I'd never been in before), and proceeded to collapse on their living room and reenter a state of paralysis. Then I slipped back into a dream that I had woken up in my bed and walked to the kitchen of my apartment and once again collapsed into paralysis. Some variation of this continued on for what what felt like days/weeks. When I actually woke up, I had no idea what was real anymore. The hallucinations had genuinely felt like they had happened to some extent. This was by far the worst of all of them. Would not wish it on anyone.