My constipation, clear glowing skin diet
What can i do to have 1-2 bowel movementsp per day?
My constipation diet of zero fiber keeps my skin clear
My constipation diet is
MagnesiumI need something to create bulk, but not fiber, makes skin dry and rashy
@Samyo Mushrooms? They have fiber but they're antibiotic so they work for me when other fibers don't.
@davisjedwards said in My constipation, clear glowing skin diet:
tic so they work for me w
nah no fiber, mushrooms dry my skin out like no other
I dissolve inulin into my coffee.
Aim: To analyze the scientific evidence for the role of inulin in improving bowel function in patients with chronic constipation.
Methods: A meta-analysis of randomized controlled clinical trials was conducted, grounded on a literature search for the period 1995-2013 (descriptors: inulin & constipation) on PubMed, ScieLo and Central Trials Register Cochrane databases. A total of 24 articles were found, 5 of them were selected for this meta-analysis, involving 252 subjects (experimental group: n = 144, control group: n = 108). The quality of the studies was assessed using the Jadad scale.
Results: We found a significant overall effect of inulin on stool frequency (DEM = 0.69, 95%CI: 0.04, 1.34), stool consistency (Bristol scale) (DEM = 1.07, 95% CI: 0.70, 1.45), transit time (DEM = -0.57, 95% CI: -0.99, -0.15) and hardness of stool (RR = 0.42, 95% CI: 0.26, 0.70). Pain and bloating do not improve with inulin intake.
Conclusions: Inulin intake has a positive effect on bowel function.
@Samyo said in My constipation, clear glowing skin diet:
What can i do to have 1-2 bowel movementsp per day?
My constipation diet of zero fiber keeps my skin clear
My constipation diet is
MagnesiumI need something to create bulk, but not fiber, makes skin dry and rashy
Given your constipation and rashes from fiber, could your thyroid function be poor resulting in possible SIBO? In terms of bulking up stools without fiber, epithelial turnover alone creates bulk but for foods have you tried cultured dairy like strained yogurt? Bacteria creates bulk and milk supports bacterial growth per Ray and my own experience of having done several milk fasts, however, I found pasteurized milk constipating whereas raw milk and cultured dairy products, especially yogurt, led to perfect elimination. If you have SIBO and haven’t tried it yet, L. reuteri yogurt may be better tolerated.
Just for reference, here is what Ray said on the subject in an email exchange:
"They aren't necessary [FIBER], for example milk supports abundant bacterial growth that creates bulk, but when there are digestive and hormonal problems because of bad intestinal flora, the fibers of carrot and bamboo shoots have a disinfecting action. The carrots must be raw for that effect." RP
@Jennifer why would there be bad bad intestinal flora, on that diet?
Fiber solves constipation but makes skin rashy, so did it solve bad intestinal flora or make it worse?
I cannot achieve good digestion and good skin together, it seems its one of the other and thats what I want to work out
@Samyo, maybe you already had SIBO prior to the diet and/or because it causes constipation, which can lead to an overgrowth in the small intestine where it should be relatively sterile? It’s hard to say. Fiber feeds bacteria, often exacerbating overgrowth symptoms like rashes. When I had SIBO, I avoided fiber or else I looked like a burn victim—it caused a bleeding rash on my face—but when I followed a similar diet to the one you outlined in order to avoid the rash, I got constipated without the fiber stimulating my intestines via irritation because my peristalsis was poor due to poor thyroid function. Your pulse rate and temp, including the temperature of your extremities (feet, hands, nose and ears should be warm if not running on adrenaline), should give you an idea of whether or not your symptoms are thyroid related.
@Jennifer There have been days when im warm and constipated
and cold and not constipatedMilk makes me warm but my poop always come out fragmented
Milk reduces my skin rashes and moistens my skin
My stool looks between 1 and 5
I very rarely get any stomach pains or bloating from fiber foods
ok im certian coffee is causing my redness in my beard area and when i eat something cool like cucumber, or milk it heal the redness, pushing the old skin out causing it to flake, then flake reduces if i have less coffee no idea if gut or histamine related I will quit coffee even if it helps peristalsis sometimes
@Jennifer Ive been refferred to a Haematology Clinic based on my blood test
@Jennifer MY ultrascan revealed a 2.5mm polyops on my gallbladder ??
@Samyo From the Cleveland Clinic:
Gallbladder polyps are growths that appear on the inside lining of the gallbladder. Most are benign and cause no symptoms. They may be caused by inflammation, excess cholesterol deposits, or abnormal cell growth. Only about .5% become cancer.
@DavidPS said in My constipation, clear glowing skin diet:
So i got inflammation and or high cholesterol from peating?
@Samyo, is that warm due to good thyroid hormone production (good temp and pulse rate) or warm due to adrenaline? Coffee used to exacerbate my SIBO rash, I assumed due to its acidity because anything acidic exacerbated the rash, but maybe it was histamine related. From my understanding, poor thyroid function, lipopolysaccharides/endotoxin and excess estrogen (relative to progesterone) can cause cysts. You mention you were referred to a Hematology Clinic based on your blood test—do you mind sharing the results of your blood test?
@Jennifer I dont know know them yet, maybe it was based on the symptoms in the phone consultation orange tint to palms and soles, sulphur smell in armpits after I suspect from meat and maybe small amount on onions, slight yellowing of inner right eye and the fragmented poop either type 1 or 5 sometimes from what i suspect is caused by milk today I had 2 bowel movements that came out as type 5, no milk today, maybe in about 4 more bowel movements time, they will come out like type 3 or 4 if i continue with no milk
@Samyo have you tried the carrot salad
@VehmicJuryman ive been on this since 2017. Obviously...
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