New "Mission" of RPF
@AkJono This is what they all do... start off speaking some sense and then gradually go off the deep end dragging you with them. He’s being paid to deliberately make the alternative health movement look insane.
@Peoples I def think he has multiple accounts but Christalone is someone else, she used to post as Sugarbabe and was there since the beginning. She never used to be under this religious delusion either.
I think someone is incentivizing him but not Garrett, it seems more sinister than that and it’s tied into his messiah complex instead of purely for monetary gain. Garrett is probably being paid by the same entity.
@Peoples I think there is definitely a financial aspect to it. Ray is dead and there is no authority to challenge them so the toxic bile crew infects (his wording) a substantial outlet of information with a healthy user base. The move was so sudden and so swift that it does make me think that it was planned and coordinated. The accounts that came up out of the woodwork and the barrage of bans during the 2-3 day push a few weeks ago were awfully suspicious. From what I understand charlie is in major financial trouble and Garret has the physiognomy of a con man, so the pairing was natural.
@sphenoid @ilovethesea
Yes some days back I said to my wife re Lion at RPF that he was a timed-release deep state agent!I was not only 1/2 joking. Then someone posted there the same sentiment. Can't fool all the people.
Also of some interest is that I checked in 2 or 3 days ago, in the morning here in Aus, and signed in to RPF, and when on a thread that the lion was on, a number of Toxic-Bile Acolytes
had the words "Gifted Membership" below their names to the left of Thread by the date of their inception. Hmmmm. Gifted by whom? Bill and Melinda G Foundation? It disappeared a few hours later. Strange days indeed.
To zoom out a bit : this is happening in many groups lately, both virtual and physical, and it seems that either the leader or 'bosses' go crazy in a different direction, Or it gets into some (real or imagined) scandal, be it financial or xxx, etc. . , or just the usual woke climate change,LGBTQ+ type orientation, which leads to nowhere.
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@AkJono Whoa. Gifted Membership. Holy sheesh.
Oh you were really prescient.
Found this on Twitter. He’s attacking everything about Ray. I’m so disgusted with this a-hole.
@ilovethesea Agreed, a-hole indeed
@ilovethesea If ChristAlone was Sugarbabe, then she has been on the low VA theory for atleast the past 5 years.
She ragged on me for taking vitamin A to treat night blindness in a post description as far back as about 2018-2019.
@sphenoid said in New "Mission" of RPF:
From what I understand charlie is in major financial trouble
What is this 'financial trouble?'
Does he run the health products store that is always advertised on top and bottom of the forum?
Is it The Life Giving Store? If so, I bought a red light pod from there years ago, lol.
I only recently learned Charlie has a store somehow tied to the forum.
@Peoples I think he’s in debt from dogecoin.
But another thing I was thinking is how all of this happened right in the middle of winter (northern hemisphere), when vitamin A requirements are at their lowest. Seems like this could be by design so people try the low A diet and feel better, because there is little sun and they’ve likely burned through their vitamin D stores. The hope then being these people fall for the diet and supplements hook line and sinker, welcoming the “new age” of the forum. At the same time this could be coincidence as everyone involved is an idiot but the whole operation appears planned and calculated.
@ilovethesea by his logic we should wait and not do anything until we know for sure what we will be doing will allow us to live to 120. Garret smith looks like he’s approaching 100 but as far as I know there aren’t any health gurus that are anywhere close to that age.
@Peoples But she still eats ice cream.
@yerrag this is an incredible articulation! So much of what Ray has said has been lost in translation(i.e. RPF). There's so many "secondary" and "tertiary" Ray acolytes or so they think. This reminds me of my sister in law who came across some of Ray's ideas through other so called health gurus. I began to ask her more of what they were feeding her and it became obvious that they really haven't read Ray and seem to only been soundbyte pirates.
After 8 years of reading Ray and emailing him during a portion of those years, I hardly feel like I have strong grasp. His knowledge was a certain level of mastery. I still enjoy reading his articles and listening to his emails as I gleam new information and think differently almost every time I come across it.
@ilovethesea I'd really like to see Charlie's blood work along with Garret Smith
@jwayne there's literally nothing on that forum that remotely represents Peat. I created a new user name and paid for the subscriptions. I haven't been allowed access to post.
@risingfire Whaaaaaat? You can't post?
@S-Holmes no and I'm paying. I think he may know it's me. Also, I saw your post saying Garrett looks hypo. That made me giggle. You're going to be banned soon for that!
@risingfire No 'New' members can, ain't that a cheek tho!
@risingfire That's just wrong! What does he charge?