@cs3000 said in 2 studies showing cancer reversal / shrinking:

@cs3000 said in 2 studies showing cancer reversal / shrinking:

@Mauritio yep and i imagine daily would be even better, interesting that short duration was effective it does work broadly yeah
here it had less profound effect in a connective tissue cancer but still good
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3499556/#s2title they did 10 minutes instead of 20 minutes .
I just saw something amazing actually when they tested it on breast cancer in vivo it almost didnt grow at all :

Here we go, big one
great studies by these people exploring all the angles

Surprisingly going for more days of co2 weekly didnt give better effect, 2 days is enough,
but going for longer than 10 minutes does give more improvement (20 minutes worked better) in breast & bone cancer, effect peaks around there as 1 hr did not give better effect

Additionally, in a preliminary study, no further decrease in tumor volume was observed with the 1-h treatment compared to the 20-min treatment For the CO2 therapy, there was no difference in effectiveness of frequencies of twice and five times per week; in addition, a twice-weekly treatment regimen was sufficient to inhibit in vivo tumor growth, even in MFH/UPS, which is a high-grade sarcoma cell line.

And they found the cancer regressed below baseline with 20 minutes applications, in all of the mice

And they even said two of the breast cancer tumors disappeared @haidut

Bone tumors also got smaller below baseline
.... this is happening fast over a few days / weeks ... amazing

it did not work as well on a rarer aggressive sarcoma tumor. but slowed growth with this (which the table doesnt show)

in addition, a twice-weekly treatment regimen was sufficient to inhibit in vivo tumor growth, even in MFH/UPS, which is a high-grade sarcoma cell line.

In the current study, the most significant antitumor effect was observed in the MDA-MB-231 breast cancer model. At the end of treatment, all treated tumors in the MDA-MB-231 model were smaller than pre-treated tumors, and notably, two of the six tumors in the 20-min group had disappeared



Additionally, using a treatment frequency of twice per week, tumor volumes were smaller with a treatment interval of 3 and 4 days than with a treatment interval of 2 and 5 days.
We also found that transcutaneous CO2 application was ineffective when applied at a distant site relative to the tumor location. Therefore, the CO2 therapy should be applied to the body surface close to the tumor location.
We previously developed an alternative system for CO2 application that can access deep-seated tumors using intra-arterial infusion of saturated CO2 solution (20). These findings suggest that continuous treatment, twice per week with an interval of 3 + 4 days, applied to the local site of the tumor, provides the best antitumor effect for transcutaneous CO2 application.

So 20 minutes, enhanced by a co2 capturing gel locally to the tumor site, 2 times per week, every wednesday and sunday (3 & then 4 days), gives max effectiveness

sounds like simple glycerol/glycerin + water could work for the gel,
or sodium alginate
(majority water as long as its thick enough to not run down skin)

A viscous liquid prepared using 2 parts by weight of sodium alginate as a thickener and 98 parts by weight of purified water as water is impregnated into a 4 cm diameter polyester nonwoven fabric, and this is immersed in a 1% calcium chloride aqueous solution to support the nonwoven fabric. A hydrogel film of calcium alginate as a body was prepared, and this was adopted as a carbon dioxide absorption aid 4

An appropriate amount of the carbon dioxide absorption assisting material 4 is applied to a 5 mm diameter scratch on the left back of a 37-year-old woman, a left hand is put in the sealed envelope 2, and carbon dioxide is supplied to the sealed envelope 2 by the carbon dioxide supply device 3 to 10 seconds at a rate of 200 milliliters / second, and then 5 minutes at a rate of 20 milliliters / second. When the auxiliary material was washed away, the pain felt before touching the water completely disappeared, and the wound healing promoting effect was confirmed.

A 48-year-old man's 5cm square carbon dioxide absorption aid 4 is affixed to the left back of the 48-year-old man, and without putting anything on the right back, each hand is put in the two sealed enclosures 2a and 2b, and each enclosed enclosure Carbon dioxide was first supplied to the material 2 from the carbon dioxide supply device 3 at a rate of 200 milliliters / second for 10 seconds and then at a rate of 20 milliliters / second for 7 minutes.
The man's hands quickly became warm, but the left back felt warmer than the right back.

Gel + ~ 7 Liters of co2 gas sealed in a 20cm long plastic bag was enough for pain reduction and wound healing effect in this woman

I am going through the studies that this Takeshi guy did and there's some interesting ones. Not sure if that one has been shared.

CO2 therapy was just as effective as radiation therapy for this oral squamous cell carcinoma.
But CO2 and radiation combined was a lot more effective. And I suppose CO2 made the radiation a lot safer, as can be seen by the rescued white blood cell count.

