Coconut oil in carrot salad ruins my stomach.
Is this a good thing? Am I suppose to eat 5g or coconut oil with a carrot and completely obliterate my toilet 1-2 hours later? If I eat a carrot with olive oil nothing happens. I've tried with activated charcoal aswell, same results. Utter destruction.
First I thought I just had a bad batch of coconut oil but this has happend with atleast 2 different oils. Is this supposed to happen? am I using too much oil? Will my body get used to the coconut oil? Should I get some special coconut oil? This is extra virgin.
@voldtzeig coconut oil is known to be an irritant to some. Danny Roddy has talked about this a few times. Don’t use coconut oil if it irritates you - just use a tiny bit of olive oil instead.
@voldtzeig olive oil is magical here. Not sure why. Just a teaspoon or so. With salt and vinegar.
How many times has this happened? Endotoxin typically is released upon the death of bacteria, and sometimes (but not frequently) the carrot salad has caused this issue for me.
Just switch to EEVO! It's not a significant amount of PUFA (i use about half a teaspoon or a bit more for carrot salad) and has other antiseptic properties.
Check your carrots. Try another brand. Try organic. I know you said it's not the carrots but still try to rule that out!
If that doesn't work, or just to have another option, try finely blended mushroom boiled for 1-2h (you can make a large batch, add in olive oil or coconut oil, salt and vinegar).
I could have asked the question "have you tried mushrooms instead" but i opted for the more condescending suggestion option
@CO3 Also! Use refined coconut oil! It's the only thing I use. Coconut can be an allergen to some when the more coconutty parts are not removed. Odorless, refined coconut oil is the way to go! Extra virgin is always more expensive, and more allergenic, although of course there's more nutrients in there and there could beproblems in the refining process. But for your case I would certainly try switching. Ray has said it too!
I was hoping it'd be cause of endotoxins leaving the body aswell but it seems way to frequent to be the culprit.
I could eat like 15g without any issues a couple of weeks ago but then I took 40g of coconut oil one day and it got so bad my wife thought I was urinating for an hour. Now I can only handle about a teaspoon/5g or coconut oil
It's not the carrots, tried different brands, eating them without coconut oil, eating with olive oil, same with activated charcoal. Works fine with other oils. I have not tried mushrooms since I figured carrots wasn't the issue.
Will try refined coconut oil and see what happens and if that doesn't work I guess I'll stick to olive oil. Thanks gang.
@voldtzeig Anytime!