Best type of Thiamine
What are some experiences people have had with different forms of Thiamine? Which do you prefer? Finding conflicting anecdotal evidence regarding HCL and Alithiamine (TTFD)
Would it be absolutely necessary to supplement a b-complex if taking Thiamine?
@temple-of-salt EONutrition on youtube has some good videos explaining the different types of thiamine. I think a B complex would be considered necessary for high dose thiamine by most people.
@temple-of-salt FWIW I found regular thiamine HCl to work well for improving memory and cognitive function. For more serious problems, benfotiamine might be worth trying. Solaray and Life Extension have decent sources of both.
I take TTFD, HCL, and benfo with a complex
@temple-of-salt I just started taking Elliot Overton’s Thiamax, hopefully absorbs better than the Now B1 I was taking before (and hopefully I will not need to take as much of it). I didn’t solve my issue (nasal cycle dysfunction) with the regular B1
^ no excipients in it -
Fantastic thread by Jay on Thiamine:
I tried TTFD, Sulbutiamine, Benfotiamine and Thiamine HCL
They all share the improvment in physical energy and improved breathing in my opinion.
Benfotiamine was more effective for peripheral neuropathy.
TTFD feels very psychedelic and is in my opinion the best form for intellectual tasks but it comes with a lot of side effects compared to the other forms.
Sulbutiamine feels very physical, it's my favorite form because of the physical kick in the ass effect it provides.
Overall they are all good at increasing levels of thiamine.
TTFD is better when the goal is to increase central nervous system levels of thiamine.
Benfotiamine for neuronal pain, it was the only form that was aleviating my headaches and tingling in extremities.
Sulbutiamine is great for physically demanding tasks.
Thiamine HCL is doing a little bit of each one and requires higher doses compared to the other forms.