Mercola radically revises health advice based on Ray Peat's research
@C-Mex Cool! You're wrong.
Here's where these arguments lose me. Maybe it is because I'm not aware of the 'viruses don't exist' theory and as far I know Ray Peat didn't endorse this, did he? This is not my field of expertise to know. Sometimes I think these things are cooked up by the alphabet agencies and are actually the controlled opposition/gatekeepers that they speak of. They're using the language that actually describes themselves to cook up a counter plot and appeal to the population that is aware of the existence of disinformation already, and this is just another disinformation tactic.
I admit I've only skimmed this article so far as I've seen similar, but will give it a go a little later.
BTW Ray Peat said in interview that he was reading and enjoying RFK Jr's book on Fauci several years ago after the book came out.
Haven't gotten very far and they're already dissing MB and Vitamin D. Might have been written by Garrett Smith himself.
How convenient that if you deny the existence of viruses, there can be no lab leaks, no gain-of-function research and no bioweapons development. The Russians are pretty concerned and quite vocally so about some US bioweapon labs in Ukraine, but if you say so...
Not true that RFK Jr has not said that there are no safe vaccines. He famously denied saying it on an ABC interview and they immediately played a clip of him saying it. He's undoubtedly been toning down his rhetoric for the brainwashed masses who believe vaccines are lifesavers, but he does know there are no safe vaccines. As I said I don't know if there's anything to the viruses don't exist claim, but one could be accused of relying on the best research available to date, and advocating for more research -- which he does -- is more likely to reveal the facts and as it stands now it is not being done.
Next person they're writing off because she believes in viruses.
Next person because they've stated concerns about mankind's evolution in to 'technological slavery" which reminded me of something similar to this graphic that used to hang on the wall when I worked for a tech firm that I always found amusing as physical anthropology was part of my undergraduate education:
Next person they're writing off has spoken about Ivermectin and is associated somehow with McCullough and Malone (are you sure this thing isn't written by big pharma?).
Next person Vigilant Fox is someone I'm familiar with. Again it seems to be Ivermectin and his association with the prior people plus Tucker Carlson.
Next few people I'm not familiar with and there seems to be some vague accusations, accused of mixing truth with lies (a known CIA-tactic, but here being flipped and used by the CIA operatives against the opposition), advocating Ivermectin, associating with certain people etc.
Are you serious? I mean no disrespect, but I'm just not swayed by any of it.
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@C-Mex I agree with @CO3. Mercola’s a snake. He’s only going to blackwash Ray’s work (especially now that he’s “gone insane”) and profit from stealing the Progest E market. He’ll expose Ray to a larger audience yes but will control the narrative in a negative way so that most people won’t dig further. All of this is being done after Ray’s death for a reason.
It’s especially weird that Georgi would not know this when he runs a grey market supplement company that you’d think he’d want to stay slightly under the radar. Mercola raising his profile could easily lead to him being regulated out of business. He’s taking a huge risk. Not to mention making it even harder for all of us who need access to thyroid and other ingredients without a prescription.
@C-Mex sorry I should have added a disclaimer when I shared that link to the gatekeepers article... my point was more about ignoring info from the known covid shills and I forgot it mentioned the vitamin A and D stuff. This is an example of what I was talking about in the other thread about that Josh guy (associate of Miles Mathis) “seeding” Garrett Smith’s ideas into conspiracy circles. They are muddying the waters all around.
You could dig around Darkside papers telegram channel and read his papers for more info on these people and the “no virus” idea. Christine Massey’s website has a lot of info as well.
@C-Mex I can't seem to read what he said because it's behind a paywall, though if everything is based on Ray Peat's research, I'd rather read Ray Peat. I don't think the audience he's going to reach is significant enough for anyone to pander to him, and a large community giving attention to him benefits him a lot more than anyone else.
As a character he's not very good either. Threatening to sue Danny/Katherine is in poor taste, as well as I remember someone called him Mr. Mercola, rather than Dr, and he was mortally offended, hysterically saying the guy who wrote that ought to be banned. Such an ego and self-centered view of the world is only concerned with his own appearance, just fundamentally incapable of any 3rd person view or out-of-the-box kind of thinking. He's not well educated, just indoctrinated; the framework of what he memorized in school guiding his thought process, occasionally making connections with made up information, but to his core incapable of breaking out of the terms defined for him already. There is no intelligent contribution he can find that will help complete the greater understanding in hollism
The only good he could ever do is maybe sponsor Georgi's research ideas with whatever connections he has.
In terms of getting the word out, random people making Ray Peat tiktoks would be more efficient at spreading the word rather than having to follow someone who's consistently gotten the basics wrong and try to constantly steer them in the right direction. At some point you have to realize hand holding someone that cannot come to correct conclusions on his own isn't time well spent, and you ought to filter him out like the rest of the noise on the internet.
I suppose where I see the potential benefit is that Mercola happens to be among the "Disinformation Dozen" that were highly censored for vaccine "misinformation'. RFK Jr is another, and is a candidate for the highest office. I'm not sure if Mercola is part of the legal actions that RFK Jr is bringing against the Biden admin that is headed for the Surpreme Court, but Mercola took part in a health policy panel held last year that included Tenpenny and some others and I think there are plans for holding more of these collaborations including others wanting to collaborate.
Among RFK Jr's primary goals, one is to rid the health regulatory agencies of capture by the pharmaceutical companies, and this includes the NIH, which is the largest funder of health research in the world. Moving the NIH away from the pharmaceutical solution model with its inherent conflicts of interest, to funding research in preventative health and nutrition for instance, would be a great start toward improving the direction of research for decades to come. We know that Ray Peat talked of older research being more reliable and less corrupted by special interests. So, any personal feelings aside, I'd love to see Ray Peat's ideas get into RFK Jr's ears when he cleans house at the CDC, FDA, the NIH and others.
@C-Mex Mercola is such a moron that he makes important life and business decisions by consulting a 'Master Trance Channeler' (Kai Clay) who closes his eyes and pretends an "ancient and wise" higher dimensional entity feeds him information.
In other words, he has so much serotonin and estrogen flooding him at all times that he's incapable of making his own decisions and instead resort to intentionally undergoing hypnosis where decisions will be made for him. All the while pretending they came from the "Causal Plane" whateverthefuck that's supposed to mean. And which is just a supercilious over-compensation ego-defense. So they can internally repress doubts ("Oh well, Bahlon is always right!").
Same thing with the morons on RPF who identically repress all of their internal doubts (i.e. intellectual processes) with God and then hysterically take revenge on Ray Peat to feel better about themselves ("So carrot salad really is a killer!")
@C-Mex This is pretty reasonable. I didn't know Mercola was on that panel. If he has connections and can vouch reasonable political action to the right people (stop putting carrageenan in things, stop using soy feed for livestock, vaccinated people shed pathogen and they should be the ones quarantined, etc) then that could be of use, I just hope it wouldn't be a case of broken telephone. I wonder what the other people on the panel are like.
@CO3 He's promoting the diet and not depriving yourself of glucose. Anyone promoting peating is good in my eyes in my opinion.
@Sugar Yes but you're not very intelligent
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@C-Mex said in Mercola radically revises health advice based on Ray Peat's research:
He makes reference both Ray Peat and Georgi in the following article: had to "radically revise" what any freshman biochem student could tell you about beta oxidation...simply marvelous people took health advice from that idiot. These are the types of dense people in the keto crowd folks.