Low/Anti Endotoxin foods?
What are some caloric foods (other than plain sugar, OJ & pomegranate juice) that don't feed gut bacteria (starches/soluble fiber) or contain bacteria (fermented, dried, etc..)?
@Peter_ Sugar feeds bacteria too, but ime mostly in the presence of starches. Peat's approach with the carrot salad was to actively kill the bacteria at a solid rate.
I say fruit! Such a weirdly small amount of people talk about fruits in these spheres! A lot of fruit has relatively low soluble fibre, and not all soluble fibre is created equally! Even dates have been reported by many (iincluding me) to cause relatively low fermentation. I wouldn't avoid soluble fibre as a rule!! There's medium fibrous foods that can also cause fermentation due to the type of fibre and sugars. Raw apples for example aren't extremely fibre heavy but seem to cause some endotoxin.
So some relatively high-fibre foods I enjoy that seem not to cause endotoxin buildup:
Dates (mazafati and medjool particularly)
baked apples and pears
baked figsLow fibre staple fruits:
Melon! Lots of it.
ZucchiniAnd add some grape juice to the rotation, although I hear you can't get it for that cheap in the US. In fact, here in Europe it's hard to get in most countries, but where I live it's cheaper than sweet OJ. Super calorie dense.
Fruit in jars can be amazing too if you live in a northern country. Buy in organic shop or from the neighbourhood granny.
@CO3 Person A whos constipated and eats soluble fiber, has bacteria growth, if person B eats soluble fiber and poos, then how will they have bacteria overgrowth?
@Samyo could u rephrase that?
@CO3 if you have 2 people who eat soluble fiber, and 1 of them is constipated and the other isn't then bacteria overgrowth will only happen for the guy whos constipated, the one who isn't constipated from the souble fiber doesn't have bacteria overgrowth because hes having bowel movements
One cannot say souble fiber = bacteria overgrowth, it depends if they're constipated or not