Huge cramp in lower back
Performing cuban shoulder presses, the last reps when the shoulder is nearly destroyed, to get that extra strenght, my back gets in innatural positions where it shouldn't be dealing with any charges.
Last Saturday I felt like a lash between the end of the mid back and the beginning of the lower back on the left side. I'm sure it's due to not paying attention to my posture when performing the final reps.
I've been applying heat in the area and really against my will taking painkillers (Enantyum) because the pain was really paralysing to the point of being unable to move. The knot is the size of a fist, and i hope it's just a knot and the fibers are ok.
Any advice is welcome, and if you had something similar feel free to tell me how you treated it. At least now I know the price of forcing the body... Technique is always key.
Stop with doing all that weird self-torture would be the obvious advice. It's very silly and idk what insecurities cause so many to do it, but it's very disconcerting.
Baking soda bath and some red light should take care of the cramp. Maybe 7g of mag bisglycinate before bed
I would consider taking a very warm and long epsom salt bath.
If it‘s a knot it coulde be a trigger point, basically the muscle fibers are sticking together and so they clump up to a knot, shortening each fiber which creates a lot of pain. Had that two years ago and things that helped were warmth and rest, also had massages done by my Physiotherapist. Could also be that the area is too weak and needs strengthening but i doubt thats the case. Could also recommend magnesium spray and topical red light.
If it‘s really a trigger point there are certain movement patterns that will trigger the pain over and over so i would avoid them for quite a while. -
@mayishima I've been thinking on not doing any kind of shoulder press for a while, just pike push ups and tyson push ups. The area is not weak but from now on I will dedicate more time to strengthen it. I'm hating the fact I had to stop working out, it's just 4 days but I hate it, I hope I can do something tomorrow even if it's light work.
Anyways, thanks for your insights and your advice, they are helpful.
@CO3 it's not really self torture. I just think my body could reach certain limits without nothing happening and it said "no". I learn from this and take full accountability that it was a mistake to take it so far, but it's not self torture at all.
Thanks for the advice, I have that specific kind of magnesium at home.
@jens I didn't think of that, thanks!!