Bottom Range Vitamin D
My Vitamin D was 34 ng/ml on a recent lab.
The range is 30 - 100.
This lab, as some of my others, makes little sense to me. I thought low vitamin d caused low T, but I have higher T.
I am caucasian and spend quite a bit of time in the sun, so I was expecting this to be high.
What do you think is going on with this? For a good chunk of the summer I spend an hour per day in the sun.
Will supplementing vitamin D even increase it, and is it safe? I’ve read some negative stories from vitamin d supplementation.
@Mallard6146 u dont really have crashed vitamin D if just going by that measure ppl go for ~40, its more complex than that tho
i wouldnt worry about it unless its noticeably dropped or signs of issues in winter or targeting something specific with it like copper transport, vit D too high in its more potent 1,25 form can inhibit mitochondria and lower heat production so can give negative effects if low in ATP e.g hypothyroid -
Good to know. Interpreting these results isn’t easy. My physician knows nothing about hormones, but still orders the labs anyway.
My blood sugar taken with the same set of blood tests was 64 after eating the other day and her note says all good. Heh.
I do usually take 400mg of mag glycinate per day, but I’ve read oral absorption is low. Maybe topical absolution is better?
@Mallard6146 - Raising vitamin D levels is not always straightfoward. The mantra in the vitamin D arena is 'test don't guess'. I see the value in testing and retesting.
Low magnesium levels was just a guess. If you like you can try topical magnesium oil or foot baths.
A friend of mine swears that liquid vitamin D drops under the tongue is best the way to raise vitamin D levels.
There is no correct way for everyone. Just try a different means to raise your levels and then retest.
@Mallard6146 said in Bottom Range Vitamin D:
The range is 30 - 100.
minimum target: 35 ng/ml. Optimal above 45 ng/ml, for me. But everybody won't agree
- Excess magnesium can hinder the absorption of vitamin D. Neither too little nor too much magnesium (RDA Mg: 360 and 420 mg according to sex f / m) is favorable.
- If the ratio PUFA : MUFA > 1, you will have difficulty increasing the levels of 25(OH)D. This brings us directly to 18-20g and 12-15g of PUFA consumed daily by American men and women (Kris-Etheton, 2000) and their negative impact on the absorption of already low quantities of vitamin D in food. So beware of manufactured foods which often contain an addition of soy and corn oil.
By the way, if your sun shadow exceeds your height, you will not make vitamin D. Question of wavelength.
Useful link (in French, translator needed, but with links in English):
Absorption de la vitamine D insuffisante ?
Facteurs qui facilitent ou contrecarrent l’absorption de la vitamine D3