Saturee Body Cream + Red Light for stretch marks
@Serotoninskeptic said in Saturee Body Cream + Red Light for stretch marks:
@DavidPS I already eat a those foods lol. Gelatin too which i thought would help
I have not personally experienced stretch marks. The gelatin is a great idea as well. My thoughts is that it takes time to resolve even with the best diet.
@Serotoninskeptic said in Saturee Body Cream + Red Light for stretch marks:
Hi im looking for advice for fading stretch marks. Ive had great experience in the past using coconut oil/cocoa butter and vitamin e oil and red light. Some more stretch marks have recently appeared though around my biceps I think from building muscle too fast. I thought saturee cream would be good for stretch marks since it has coconut oil/vitamin e/naringenin/niacinamide. Anyone ever try this?
I suspect thyroid and time help, since the thyroid is the main gland involved in skin/connective tissue health. I’ve been using monoï oil (Tahitian gardenias macerated in coconut oil with added vitamin E) as my after shower body oil and consuming naringenin and B3 rich foods for years now, but it wasn’t until I had been on thyroid for a couple of years that the few stretch marks I developed on my hips when I was severely underweight faded. They’re barely visible now.
@Jennifer For me these stretch marks appeared recently even though ive been on thyroid for months. Maybe i should get blood work again to make sure everything is still good. Also i will check out that body oil thanks!
@Serotoninskeptic, how long have you been at your current weight? I developed the stretch marks after I was weight restored, and was weight restored for at least 7 years and on thyroid a couple of years before they faded. That’s why I think time may be involved. And just a warning since you’re a man and some might find it too feminine for their liking—the monoï oil smells of gardenias.
@Jennifer I havent been fully weight restired for very long. Im pretty certain the marks developed from gaining the weight back. So like you said it will probably take some time before they fade.
@Serotoninskeptic, yeah, it seems likely. I’ve read that it’s common to get stretch marks with a large increase and decrease in weight, especially when it happens quickly. I was weight restored within 2-3 months of changing my diet and I noticed the stretch marks not long after.
@Jennifer Yea i feel like no ammount of collagen can keep up with rapid weight loss/gain lol
Would be interested to see what topical methylene blue would do to stretch marks, might experiment on myself with tallow and MB mixed.
@Serotoninskeptic, yeah, not for some of us. My diet was dairy, shellfish, eggs and collagen—I had a bowl of gelatinous broth daily—and yet the stretch marks remained. In fairness, they weren’t colored but going by Ray’s account of his cousin’s stretch marks, it sounds like hers disappeared completely.
@Jennifer I have a couple on my back from teenage years that dissapeared almost completely as i grew up
@Jennifer I was just thinking about something. So let's say we were to adhere to Ray's advice and eat only milk, eggs and oysters for a few days. We were missing one important element - highly elevated progesterone from pregnancy. Now as a male, I don't like taking progesterone because it seems to have negative effects on my body but considering if we took progesterone with the suggested diet it might remove the stretch marks. I'm going to give it a shot next week.
@Serotoninskeptic said in Saturee Body Cream + Red Light for stretch marks:
@Jennifer I have a couple on my back from teenage years that dissapeared almost completely as i grew up
Interesting. I grew fast as a child, but only developed stretch marks after my thyroid crashed in my 20s. I just went to take a picture of them for reference and the few I had on my right side are gone now and the couple I still have on my left side I struggled to find. They don’t even show up in the pics. The only thing I can think of that changed since I inspected them last (this past August) is my diet. It’s still fruit-based, but I’ve been having a lot more savory fruits like avocados, black olives, heirloom tomatoes and pickled cucumbers, some veggies—mung bean sprouts and tender greens, mainly iceberg lettuce—and animal protein coming strictly from eggs.
@risingfire said in Saturee Body Cream + Red Light for stretch marks:
@Jennifer I was just thinking about something. So let's say we were to adhere to Ray's advice and eat only milk, eggs and oysters for a few days. We were missing one important element - highly elevated progesterone from pregnancy. Now as a male, I don't like taking progesterone because it seems to have negative effects on my body but considering if we took progesterone with the suggested diet it might remove the stretch marks. I'm going to give it a shot next week.
I think it’s worth a shot. I used Progest-E with the above diet, but my body responds poorly to progesterone supplementation when not supplementing thyroid so that may have been a factor.
@Jennifer Thank you again!
@Jennifer hey Jennifer, you aren’t eating dairy anymore? How many eggs do you eat for your daily protein? I’d be curious to hear about your diet
You’re welcome, @Serotoninskeptic.
Hi @Aniciete! It’s nice to see you here.
I haven’t had dairy since mid August, only because I stopped craving all forms except for raw milk and due to family obligations, I haven’t had time to make weekly trips to the farm, however, I’ll be able to starting next month. In the meantime, I’ve been averaging 4 eggs daily, mainly in the form of Cantonese-style omelettes (eggs, mung bean sprouts, onions, garlic, coconut aminos and salt) and the rest of my diet is predominantly fruit, mainly spiced cider (Fuji apples with cinnamon and vanilla bean) and ripe bananas in the form of flourless banana crêpes (bananas, eggs, vanilla bean and salt) and nice cream (bananas, coconut water and coconut cream)—I average 8 XL bananas daily. A typical day of eating for me is banana crêpes and cider for breakfast, an omelette, black mulberry juice and nice cream for lunch and for dinner, spaghetti squash fritters topped with avocado, a pickle, cider and nice cream. I feel good, but lately I’ve been craving milk with hot dogs and beef teriyaki so I’m looking forward to reintroducing them next month.
@Jennifer consider rubbing progest E or some other progesterone product on the stretch marks as well for maximum coverage
Great suggestion, @risingfire. Thank you.
@Jennifer Thanks. Going to try to experiment tomorrow. Good luck to us both!