High dose biotin and liver cancer.
@Living_thing ok. What you might try, if you like, is dissolving the yeast in warm water as ray suggested. Then just use the water (where the vitamins are) and throw out the solids. That way it’s easier to digest and makes a nice broth by it self with a sprinkling of chives or onion powder and salt to taste. Or Can be used in soups, stocks, sauces, etc
@16charactersitis from looking at how its done industrially it seems warm alcohol is the way to go, yet its tricky to not denature the vitamins
This post is deleted! -
@Living_thing i guess alcohol would work if you’re making a batch. I was thinking of heated water to extract the vitamins at the time one is having one serving. I’ll try and find the article Ray Peat mentions doing this.
@16charactersitis @Living_thing
Here it is. It was from an email exchange not an article:
“Brewers' yeast..best to start by pouring hot water over an ounce or two of it, and using just the liquid”
From here:
https://lowtoxinforum.com/threads/ray-peat-email-advice-depository.1035/page-11 -
Aren’t you a moderator on the Low Toxin Forum? I don’t trust you. When people were getting banned left and right on the Ray Peat forum you were never saying anything. Why?
If I am wrong about this I will completely apologize because it’s not like me to post comments like this but every time I see your name on this forum i cringe and I don’t want to feel like that. What am i missing? You also have such strong convictions and ideas that don’t seem to be Bioenergetic or Ray peat adjacent. Obviously that’s fine to have your own ideas and this is all about discourse…
Any thoughts? Am I just totally wrong? It was a huge forum and I could absolutely be wrong. -
@dapose I have no idea what you are talking about. I'm not a moderator of any forum. I think you are totally wrong. I'm a close friend with people on these forums, and I am a huge follower of Dr. Peat's ideas. I think you have mistaken me for someone else.
I do have my own ideas about a lot of things. I think Dr. Peat was wrong about eccentric exercise, for instance. And he didn't study cannabis enough to have good opinions. So many things. But he was right on many core issues and he was a thinker and didn't follow the bros. My regret is never meeting him in person, although I do have many email correspondences and am lucky to have had a lot of communication with him via email when he was alive.
@Ecstatic_Hamster far out!! I’m sorry for insulting you like that but I do feel a lot better bringing it up. The tremendous stress that forum caused just clearly gave me some lasting trauma.
Anyways. Hope you are well and sorry to bother you.
I was alittle triggered by this cancer and b vitamin thread too. Which is a common topic. This poor persons wife is suffering from cancer, and they have clearly looked into it with Georgi’s research. All of Georgi’s work with B vitamins and aspirin etc… The person has a specific question about biotin… and then I see you post about thc enemas. In all my years researching health and anti cancer things I have never heard anything good about thc and enemas. It just doesn’t seem helpful to this persons thread and inquiry.
It seemed deliberately derailing to me. Like the guy is really trying to figure out a protocol he has looked into and trying to get specifics on it, and you throw in an idea out that has nothing to with what he’s asking about. Keeping a very long story short. I have lost two very close relatives to cancer in the last 3 years. One 45 one 32. Everyone was trying to help them with bad idea after bad idea. My sister got so over whelmed with what to do…
All of Rays work and Haiduts are the best helpful things I’ve ever found for my similar situation. I’ve looked into everything health related for 20 years and i am not saying I understand it all! Just looking… learning.My point here is that bombarding people with ideas isn’t always the right thing to do to help people .
There is a reason Ray was never rambling on in interviews when asked if there was anything else he wanted to say. Because he understood that anything can be dangerous when taken out of context and just haphazardly throwing out more “good” ideas isn’t helping anybody. Literally anything could be a stress/toxin when hypothyroid and in cancer metabolism.
Peace -
@16charactersitis Thankyou
@dapose When someone says they are triggered, to me it's a case of "well, then, why don't you tune out or go away from what is bothering you." Just because "you" never heard of THC helping or enemas helping. So it must be false. You haven't heard of it. But then again, maybe you weren't listening because you got triggered.
Me, I want to be triggered. I want to hear what someone has to say. Even if I don't like it. Especially so.
And you give me a sideways criticism too. I'll mind mind my own business, and post what I want to post.
@Living_thing said in High dose biotin and liver cancer.:
Ray said that there were old animal studies showing that high dose biotin caused liver cancer. https://www.bioenergetic.life/clips/d743f?t=1572&c=35
Page 50 of Dr. Peat's book entitled Nutrition for Women: