Hypothyroid->Digestion Issues->Allergies->Adrenaline->Insomnia
This post is deleted! -
Okay it's now quite obvious that the digestive issue is SIBO.
- It happens with any type of starch, even the ones that should always be fully digested before they reach the big intestine (e.g. potatoes and rice)
- It happens very soon after eating, before anything can even reach the large intestine.
- So it must happen in the small intestine, it must happen because of starch and since I don't feel ill from eating (just highly stressed) it is not leaky gut.
Last two days I have no eaten any starch and I am doing pretty good. Tired a lot, but in a way that allows me to relax, which would be impossible if cortisol was elevated. Appetite, which is also a good sign, mostly for starchy food but I will have to get over that. Nimble enough to do figurative drawing, which was not possible while Serotonin was elevated.
I have a rough idea what I need to eat; keeping calories from fat below 20% to stay in gluccose burning mode. (Mostly yoghurt, fruit toppings, milk, grape juice, cheese, maybe some soup.) Plan to use garlic as antibiotic.
Supplementation wise I keep it simple with Thiamine, Thyroid, Zink and a 2€ drug store vitamin B complex.
@pittybitty said in Hypothyroid->Digestion Issues->Allergies->Adrenaline->Insomnia:
Plan to use garlic as antibiotic.
OK over the principle if you think there is overgrowth.
When you eat starch there are two kinds of fiber: Soluble and insoluble fibers. We can't digest the second one. If you don't go to feces 2x a day, there is stagnation in the second part of the colon: food / residue for bacteria.
Mind the way you're going to attack the beast: need a plan or you'll make a selection.
Rather more difficult then afterwards.
I see you're not quite convinced (problem in the first part of the intestine, you think. Maybe / Possible). But you intent to take garlic to kill bacteria, which is going to be effective particularly in the second part of the colon (stagnation near the rear output).
The speed of the transit depends on the macro-elements: Slower with a mix LPG when there is fat (L). Quicker if there is only carbs.
I'll deal with delayed softgels with essential oil. See Now Foods. 2 kinds (origano / mint) (with adjuvants like fennel or ginger).
Get informed on the healing crisis too, how to manage. -
@LucH Fine, fine. I will use allicin extract instead. Will have to wait a week tho to import it because it's not sold here.
I don't have any particular issues with bowel movements.
I could get started on Oregano Oil right away, but from my reading it is far less effective as a anti-biotic.
Right now I have become a bit depressed. The previous irritability and low energy is gone, but ahedonia has taken its place. I assume that means that I was successful in lowering Cortisol, but not in lowering Serotonin. I think once I start the antibiotic treatment that will go away too.
Oh and I replaced yogurt with cream in my diet due to the Lactic Acid content (and concern that the probiotic content is a bad idea)
@pittybitty said in Hypothyroid->Digestion Issues->Allergies->Adrenaline->Insomnia:
I will use allicin extract instead.
allicin is very powerful. You should get informed on healing crisis to know how to manage.
I won't begin so. Not at first attempt. At second attack. -
@LucH What do mean "not at first attempt"? I understand "healing crisis" in the sense that symptoms will get worse at first. And that makes sense to me as the bacteria will have it's own survival mechanisms and the body will have to get rid of far more endotoxins than usual from the Bacteria death. But shouldn't I be able to push through that just fine? Why do you think I will need more than one attempt?
Unrelated: I just verified that in addition to starches I also can't eat high fat meat. Low fat is fine. High fat non meat is also fine. Related to thyroids control over digestive enzymes/stomach acid?
@pittybitty said in Hypothyroid->Digestion Issues->Allergies->Adrenaline->Insomnia:
I understand "healing crisis" in the sense that symptoms will get worse at first.
Yes but very hard with allicin. The die-off is too important, overruling the capacity of your emunctories.
Not a good idea to begin so hard. Liver overburdened, feel sick, etc.
And you won't get rid of all the bacteria, even if you take the strongest "offenders", like allicin or silver, as first midden / killer.
If you don't plan to weaken, then to kill in order to limit the overgrowth, in order to make it easier to occupy the place with good bacteria (commensal), you are going to leave the place for escaped ones, able to hide behind a biofilm, waiting to come next and stronger.
And don't think you're stronger or clever than the others ...
Because you'll come afterwards, crying for help, with MICI (irritated bowel) when it lasts too long ...
I'll begin with softgels with E.O. origano (+ ginger) and mint (+ fennel).
Then a week pause to get energy back. Allicin afterwards.
You'll need olive oil to help go get rid of LPS toxins.If you get problem to digest legumes, with meat, it's logical. Legumes contain protein inhibitors.
If you have problem with lactic acid, I'll take 100 mg B1. -
I just don't think I am that level of ill. Like yeah, the symptoms I was describing in the first post were bad, but ever since I have stopped eating starches they have all gone away.
I am not physically unwell, the only problem I am facing are hormone and energy levels, and that the diagnosis has been delayed for such a long duration of time.
The concern is that the SIBO will just return after antibiotic treatment, because the underlying causes were not fixed. But those "underlying causes" seem to just be long term low thyroid function, which I am already supplementing for. I think if I had that low thyroid diagnosis 10 years ago these gut problems wouldn't even have developed in the first place.
@pittybitty said in Hypothyroid->Digestion Issues->Allergies->Adrenaline->Insomnia:
I just don't think I am that level of ill.
Ok, I see: You don't match what I try to say. You're going to feel very bad after taking allicin. Not now but after taking allicin. Not a problem for me.
I've already seen that.
You'll come back and cry for help ...
When you'll feel bad (liver overburdened), take a carrot salad with olive oil need W9 and PUFA to carry LPS toxins away. need the right kind of fat. No coconut oil at the beginning of the process. -
I took 180mg of Allicin + 750mg of Activated Charcoal 3 days ago.
I felt slightly sick for 2 days, a certain soreness like from cold, except it extended through the whole digestive system.
3rd day the symptoms were gone but I was a bit irritated and a worse mood than usual.
Then, on the night of the third day I woke up with the kind of deep unsettling pain and unhappiness I only have known from the days when I was severely depressed. The kind where when you feel it, you know something is going very wrong.
I took my entire supplement stack at once, everything that had the slightest chance of helping: Caffeine, Theanine, Gelatine, Thiamine, Thyroid and Niacin. Normally my engineer sensitivities would tell me to only take one at a time to be able to tell the effects of each apart, but this time I wasn't going to take chances.
And to my surprise it actually worked! I went outside for 5 minutes and when I returned the symptoms were already subsiding.
That said, this experience did change my view on antibiotics a little. I think that the body knows best how to manage bacteria populations without disrupting the metabolism. If antibiotics were the answer the body would metabolize them on their own.
Of course, I don't want to dismiss the effectiveness entirely, it does seem like that single dose has already cleared up the starch sensitivity. The question is just at what metabolic cost.
Okay, I might be crazy, but I am having cravings for the allicin capsules. So clearly the body seems to think that it is actually good idea, despite rationally coming to the opposite conclusion.
Even though there are tons of physical symptoms from taking the Allicin, diarrhea, allergies, soreness, trouble sleeping, my mentality seems to actually have improved. Yesterday I was inspired the first time in months.
Hmm... if we starve the bacteria it significantly slows down regrowth rate (doubling time increased to 3 - 4x times roughly from what I could find), making milder antibiotics like Oregano Oil feasible, which otherwise would be barely able to counteract the growth.
So even though my starch sensitivity has reversed, it might make sense to still completely avoid starch so I can switch away from Allicin (or reduce dose)
Oh PSA about Allicin: the capsules I'm taking contain a different form of Allicin marketed as Allisure. Allisure is much more chemically stable than raw Allicin, which degrades in the stomach within hours.
This is good and bad:
- It is good because it means that it will retain its antibiotic properties until reaching the very end of the digestive tract, being effective in both the small and big intestine.
- It is bad because it means that it will retain its antibiotic properties until reaching the very end of the digestive tract, killing far more bacteria than it otherwise would and thus greatly increasing the endotoxin load.
So what I am saying is, because the large intestine has several magnitudes more bacteria than the small intestine that you will probably have far weaker side effects from fresh crushed garlic than from Allisure. Fresh garlic is much more specific at targeting the small intestine, losing much of its potency by the time it reaches the large intestine.
for gut issues-
-Really simply diet maybe. OJ and milk being the most simple
-Pregnenolone in a decent dose, 300mg once a week or more. It's known to really help with the gut
-regular gelatin use
-antibiotics and the carrot salad