Progest E Dosing and Questions
Out of every pro metabolic substance I have tried Progest E is the most consistent at raising my temp and pulse. Even more so than thyroid. If I take it with thyroid its even more effective.
My question is as a man how frequently can I take it without it interfering with my androgen production? I remember Ray spoke about how lower doses can actually help with Test production because of Progesterone ability to block estrogen and keep Test from aromatizing. I also recall that DHEA with Prog can help with androgens.
Progest E every time I take it has been just so all around wonderful I would like to continue but those are my concerns.
In moderation it’s fine, maybe a well timed drop or two, it all depends on how you respond. Ray talked about this a lot on the talk shows.
Francis Bacon Cheeseburger says, "Recommendations for daily progesterone routine for a male in their 30s?"
If you don't have any symptoms, I think just a drop or two of progesterone or maybe 5 milligrams has a probably protective general stamina increasing effect. We get a lot of people saying they're taking, men taking 20, 30 milligrams, you know, like in they seem to be doing really well on it and that seems to be some, George and I are both constantly inundated with that anecdote.
So that is very interesting.
Yes, sometimes that's enough to shrink a man's penis temporarily, but for others, because it inhibits conversion of testosterone to estrogen, sometimes it's powerfully libido promoting pro-testosterone, but it's very individual. I get emails all the time from men over 50 saying that they're using 100 milligrams of progesterone and they recovered their morning erections, which they had lost like 20 years ago.
Very good. Thanks for that, Ray. -
It seems that the male response is highly variable depending on health, hormones and even age. Here is clip of Dr. Peat speaking about his experience. I like the idea that if you find that you are losing facial hair (whiskers) you might have used too much or taken it for too long a period of time.
I was surprised to find Dr. Peat's article entitled Some Effects of Progesterone in Men.
Ever since I started taking it I am warmer through the day and pulse is higher. It seems to have almost broke a stress cycle I couldn't get out of.
I’m wondering if anyone is actually testing Progesterone levels before supplementing.
If your Progesterone is low, I think you going to have all good benefits from a drop or maybe two of Progest È, but if you don’t need any, too much Progesterone can have his side effects
@Lothric yeah it seems at the right amount (for you) it can do this by opposing estrogen/etc. without lowering testosterone; I’ve noticed huge differences just from one drop
@GRay I am probably going to get labs done here soon.