how do you learn about raypeat?
i just occasionally read his articles
Listen to Danny's Podcast/Interviews with Ray Peat and Georgi Dinov -Generative Energy-
I liked Kate Deering's book when I was first starting out peating. It's like ray peat for normies.
@Jenna thanks jenna!
i put those yt transcripts into chatgpt and get summaries. its very helpful. long prompts use this tool thnx babes, ill perhaps chekc that out. @thyroidchor27 how did you become so knowledged, mosley? how many hrs uve spent to get this level?
if you can give me directions to good sources, ill self learn to reach level u and ekil r on. in future we could collab and collate maybe ground breaking ideas for anti aging, healthmaxx etc
Jon Blow retweeted some thread. Probably saved my life
P pilky moved this topic from Bioenergetics Discussion on
@the-MOUSE we're on the same boat, lets help each other
I liked his podcasts with John Barkhausen -politics and science.