Your shirt went to where all the shirts go after death.
T-Shirt Heaven.
May he live forever RIP.
Dandruff or scalp irritation? Try BLOO.
I work for the Illuminati.
I'm a 33rd Degree Freemason.
Your shirt went to where all the shirts go after death.
T-Shirt Heaven.
May he live forever RIP.
I heard Landshark lost a little bit of money recently ($50,000).
Thats a shame Landshark, thats a real shame. I hope hes doing well hahahahahaha.
There is no such thing as the Afterlife or Reincarnation.
Religions were invented to keep the stoopids believing in something.
I have proof that the Afterlife and Reincarnation does not exist (can't show it to you because you're not Illuminati).
This is your one and only life.
The long-term goal is to bring down the population to 500,000,000
(500 million) and then have a "0-growth society" which basically means that the population does not exceed 500,000,000.
Basically 7.5 billion people have to be gone by 2050 or 95% of the population has to be gone by 2050.
It's that simple.
Don't overcomplicate it.
I work for the World Economic Forum and Klaus Schwab specifically. Trump works for us, were all Illuminati.
There is such thing as Hidden Lands (they showed it to me), but Flat Earth is a PSY OP, only stoopids believe it like Jon Zherka.
Yo! Red Button! My Man! How you been ?
Paul Saladino is my brother and he looks great as per usual.
First of All, relax.
I have a list of all of the orders from people on my website.
and I’ve already refunded close to half of those people already.
I got close to 5 people I still need to refund.
Second of all, I literally went bankrupt at the time dude.
I ran out of money.
I just got a new job I’m starting soon and my business is really growing now.
Now when you threaten me like this, it makes me not want to talk to you whatsoever.
You could’ve just messaged me, you know that right ?
We’re you the guy sending me contacting forms cursing me out ?
You need to chill dude.
I can't remember where I read this (it was so long ago), but I remember one prediction that was made for the future was that they were going to Blow up the Moon?
It seemed so absurd I just brushed it off - but I guess anything is possible at this point. Maybe something big happens, but either way Life goes on.
Anyway, I'm done being worried about any of this stuff. Things are getting worse (does not matter if anyone here has a positive mindset), there is a difference between being positive and being blind. We all know what the future looks like, so spend every single day accordingly.