Your shirt went to where all the shirts go after death.
T-Shirt Heaven.
May he live forever RIP.
Dandruff or scalp irritation? Try BLOO.
Your shirt went to where all the shirts go after death.
T-Shirt Heaven.
May he live forever RIP.
I heard Landshark lost a little bit of money recently ($50,000).
Thats a shame Landshark, thats a real shame. I hope hes doing well hahahahahaha.
There is no such thing as the Afterlife or Reincarnation.
Religions were invented to keep the stoopids believing in something.
I have proof that the Afterlife and Reincarnation does not exist (can't show it to you because you're not Illuminati).
This is your one and only life.
The long-term goal is to bring down the population to 500,000,000
(500 million) and then have a "0-growth society" which basically means that the population does not exceed 500,000,000.
Basically 7.5 billion people have to be gone by 2050 or 95% of the population has to be gone by 2050.
It's that simple.
Don't overcomplicate it.
I work for the World Economic Forum and Klaus Schwab specifically. Trump works for us, were all Illuminati.
There is such thing as Hidden Lands (they showed it to me), but Flat Earth is a PSY OP, only stoopids believe it like Jon Zherka.
Yo! Red Button! My Man! How you been ?
Paul Saladino is my brother and he looks great as per usual.
First of All, relax.
I have a list of all of the orders from people on my website.
and I’ve already refunded close to half of those people already.
I got close to 5 people I still need to refund.
Second of all, I literally went bankrupt at the time dude.
I ran out of money.
I just got a new job I’m starting soon and my business is really growing now.
Now when you threaten me like this, it makes me not want to talk to you whatsoever.
You could’ve just messaged me, you know that right ?
We’re you the guy sending me contacting forms cursing me out ?
You need to chill dude.
I can't remember where I read this (it was so long ago), but I remember one prediction that was made for the future was that they were going to Blow up the Moon?
It seemed so absurd I just brushed it off - but I guess anything is possible at this point. Maybe something big happens, but either way Life goes on.
Anyway, I'm done being worried about any of this stuff. Things are getting worse (does not matter if anyone here has a positive mindset), there is a difference between being positive and being blind. We all know what the future looks like, so spend every single day accordingly.
@Shar_to_the_dae said in AS ABOVE SO BELOW:
@JamesGatz Are you suggesting that Prince William is the Anti-Christ?
I'm not suggesting it - it is a fact. Up to you whether you want to believe it or not, but anyone with eyes and ears can see that the First Seal is taking shape and set to take place very soon.
King Charles has already announced that he is "dying" and his life expectancy of 2 years - so these next 2 years are probably the most important of anyone's life in terms of what you need to achieve if you stand a chance for what is still to come.
@ThinPicking My man. There are plans to fulfill every single prophecy in that book within the next 10 years in the literal sense, including the Rapture (the technology exists). Hard to believe I know, but people will start to see it taking shape soon. I don't hope for it, but one must hope for the best while being prepared for the worst.
I had a young female tree make a move on me once. I fell asleep on her and she started caressing me with her branches...
Then I woke up.
Manly P. Hall writes that the Founding of the U.S. was a Masonic Experiment - designed to allow them to dominate the World (which succeeded). Anyway, I like to equate As Above So Below also as what is inside of you will manifest itself on what you appear as on the outside.
For example, a guy who has his life in order will appear that way on the outside (takes care of himself, dressed well, groomed well, organized place of living, etc. are a few examples), while a guy with his life in shambles will also appear that way on the outside as well.
Anyway, not trying to be negative here and I'm certainly not trying to scare anyone, but there is a Doomsday clock in Masonry that has the United States set to (fully) collapse within the next 10 years (as well as much of the World).
For those interested in learning what the future holds for the U.S. I would familiarize yourself with the Book of Revelations as all prophecies are set to be fulfilled in the next few years.
When Prince Williams takes the throne (should be sometime around Early 2026), the abomination of desolation will occur and the first seal of Revelations will be broken (7 years of Tribulation will be set to begin), so basically the destruction of the entire world (especially the United States). Not trying to be negative here, but this is useful information to know if you like to think about the future.
Unfortunately I do not have useful advice to input here.
Had a similar situation with my own sister when she went away for college (The thing I was advising her not to do was probably about 100 times worse than this). Anyway, that situation taught me a lot about people in general.
But anyway, it's useful to think about it like this:
I was not the only person advising my sister on things, she has friends, she has sorority sisters, she has a boyfriend, etc. she has XYZ people in her ear influencing her to do certain things and she's young so of course she's going to continue doing it until she learns her lesson. Unfortunately for my sister, those decisions have life-long consequences for her that will never go away and she cannot take back.
And when working with teens/kids, you really just the same thing all the time: They are too young to make conscious decisions and to grasp long-term consequences of XYZ until they learn their lesson of course.
Anyway, I'm sure you know by now: the more you try to force it, the more they resist against you. Trying to brute-force anyone into stopping anything even if you are using logic, is a sure-fire way to have them want to resist against you even more.
If it was me, I suppose I would try to get her off THC and probably stick to Nicotine or Tobacco (Not ideal, but its better than THC).
If that doesn't work, then what can you do really? Even if you took it away from her you have to keep in mind she has friends, a whole school full of people she knows (probably the people who introduced it to her in the first place), that can help her just get another one.
Honestly, I wouldn't be too down on yourself if that was the worst thing she was doing, because I have seen so much worse working in schools and dealing with my own sister. I would just be mindful that continuing to do things like this leads her to a path where she continues to make bad decisions. So, I'm not sure - maybe try to convince her to switch off THC for something safer or make some kind of compromise. But anyway, like I said, I don't have any useful advice for this situation. Sometimes, kids just have to learn from experience.
True, I think of it as the feeling of "abundance" and I think of money as just one frequency out of the many frequencies that exist to signal abundance to the Universe.
One man can have many women, and give off the frequency that he has an abundance of women - in this case it becomes easier for him to attract and obtain even more women since he is abundant.
One man can have a lot of money, and give off the frequency that he has an abundance of money - in this case it becomes easier for him to attract and obtain money since he emits that frequency of abundance . It's a lot easier to get to 100k if one already has 50k then it is if someone started from 0 trying to get to 50k even though its the same amount of money in both scenarios.
One man can have an abundance of good looks and it becomes easier for him to become even more good-looking since he is emitting that frequency.
I think having an abundance of any frequency makes it more likely for that specific frequency to become more attracted to you.
Can't remember who made this quote, but it went something like:
"If magnetism creates electricity, then it must be true that electricity can create magnetism"
which is true, in any which case, I believe that if someone is suffering from a lack of frequency such as money but genuinely believes and shifts themselves into a mindset of them already being a millionaire, they will begin to attract more money as a frequency.
Anyway, no woman likes wealthy men that are ugly and subsequently, I don't think many of them enjoy an attractive men who has no money (severely lacking in an important frequency). I think its healthy to be at least all-around have your bases covered for different frequencies.
@Kilgore I couldn't tell you unless I was around you in person. If you want to know what DHT smells like, all you have to do is stop showering for 3-4 days straight and you will smell like straight up DHT.
Showering is the bigger DHT-annihilator, but like I said - you kind of have to shower if you have a 9-5 job or school. Society is not friendly to the smell of DHT. A lot of homeless men smell like straight up DHT, but they can also genuinely stink, so sometimes it's difficult for people to tell the difference.
@ThinPicking I'm an optimistic person man, but I also have to be realistic: if the masses are still asleep after the Pandemic - Nothing can ever awaken them from their slumber and they cannot be saved. I wish they could, I really do.
Anyone who wishes to truly adopt this lifestyle in the future should see to it they learn real out-door skills and learn how many ancient civilizations lived underground. Anyone not living in a city in the future will be outlawed and "taken care of" accordingly (if caught).
The odor can be from 2 things: DHT or Your body is not getting rid of toxins properly (Your digestion is compromised).
For example, people tend to note that all farmers smell, (They all just smell very strongly of DHT and don't necessarily smell bad). If you are on the Ray Peat Diet, people can sometimes say you smell (when in reality you just smell strongly of DHT and they aren't used to it since everyone in society is low DHT).
DHT smells very strong and musky, and makes people want to have sex with you when they catch a whiff. But it smells very musky, and normal people can confuse it for being smelly when they catch a whiff because they aren't used to it.
If your body is not getting rid of toxins properly and your digestion is not ideal, you will have that "Old Man" Smell that smells like you are dying that genuinely smells bad and gives off the impression that you are weak or sick.