Hello all, in the past 6 months I’ve experienced a decline in overall physical and mental health. I think it’s due to increased intestinal permeability, which I probably caused through long term bulimia and binge eating disorder.
The decline in health manifests as facial acne, lower body temperatures, slow muscle gain and fast muscle loss, joint and bone pain, especially in my jaw. greasy hair and skin aswell as depression, bloating and brain fog after eating starch.
Every starch (especially wheat) and except for rice gives me these symptoms, however rice still bloats me. The best I feel is after watery fruit, milk fat and lots of muscle meat.
I am 17, lived in the same mouldy house for my entire life and only recently have I moved out. Prior to 6 months ago, I was the healthiest I had ever been. Putting muscle on rapidly, clear glowing skin, white strong teeth, no foodsensitivities, the least autistic/more sociable I’d ever been, you name it. And aside from the binging/purging, I drank alcohol frequently and did many things considered unhealthy, and still remained happy and well.
Point of this post is, how do I return back to that? How do I fix my proposed “leaky gut” and become vital again? Charcoal to remove the mould growing inside of me? Butyric acid, L Glutamine and Collagen to heal my intestinal wall? Fasting? I am so lost on what to do, especially now that the past 2 weeks I have only eaten what I believe to be clean, plenty of it, and my symptoms only seem to get worse. I want to enjoy eating the same food as my partner and not dread how I will feel after.
I am open and willing to try any advice or solutions I may be given. Thank you