Thanks for the responses everyone. Re-evaluating sugar seems to be helping quite a bit - and the amount that feels good seems to be in line with 5-10 grams per cup. I'm able to tolerate 2 cups again, up from 1. We'll see how high it ends up going lol.
""Symptoms to expect when you do coffee right are calmness, focus, motivation, warmth, and stable energy. Coffee done wrong leads to anxiety, shakiness, sweating, feeling wired, inability to focus, and sometimes cold extremities.""
This right here seems very much correct! No shakiness or "tired-but-wired" feeling, and sleep these past few days has been a bit better, but I know new habits take a while to test.
I suppose I've been progressing over the years - black coffee in my early 20s, adding some milk in my late 20s, and now I'm adding sugar I guess. Better metabolic and stress tolerance habits as I age. It's like there's some reserve of stress tolerance we build up as carefree teenagers that we slowly but surely deplete through dumb habits (black coffee, fasting, etc) and life stress as we get older. Well, never too late to get on the right track, right?