@herayclitus my current workout routine lower/upper/rest/lower/upper/rest/rest.
First lower session is focused on bb squats, then a deadlift accessory and then some isolation work.
First upper session is focused on BB bench press, then a overhead press accessory followed by isolation work.
Second lower session is focused on deadlifts, then a squat accessory followed by isolation work.
Second upper session is focused on OHP, then a bench accessory followed by isolation work.
Nothing fancy, but it has been working quite well.
I'm going to peak in the next 4 weeks to set new PR's.

Posts made by Arvidivs
RE: Post your workout routine
RE: Is Sam Sulek ugly gymcel cope being passed off as "based and sigma"?
@Truth that's a lot of cherry picking. To begin with i work out for myself and to match my ideals of a good and "healthy" (on quote because it is a very biased word) life. I didn't say i work for male perception, i said if it was to take in consideration perceptions from other people i would rather take the ones from other males over females (the later being worthless to me), since 99% of women cant comprehend the implications of masculine activities such as the physical culture. There's a trick when it comes to female perception as well, domestication mechanisms (longhouse) are very common in the relation of females with their partners and to submit to them is a way to improve the control of your woman towards yourself (i'm not implying women are evil or something like that, just using a phenomenon to complement my point). Women have a tendency to dismiss much of the value of your physique or to tell you they don't like anything beyond the "lean with abs" standard because even though the fitness industry is really big people with impressive physiques (and lets take in consideration just the natural ones) are pretty rare amongst the general population. Women instinctively know about this fact and cope to maintain the value of attraction on them.
You're right no amount of muscles by themselves can give these positive traits to a man, but you're missing quite of a bigger picture here (you're either doing it out of bad faith or you're dumber than i thought), training is not limited to muscles. There's a chain of metabolic processes that happens when you train and they will have an impact on many things on your body including on your mind and the way you think. Training can improve your testosterone levels, your sensitivity to insulin, it will regulate your cortisol levels, it will stimulate the release of GH and many other things. These along with the aesthetic result can positively affect your confidence, cognitive capacity and social anxiety, things that are important to talk to people and, more specifically, to women (and again, i see it more as a positive consequence than your whole reason for working out).
You're talking about a very vague archetype that can range through very different types of men, but i suspect you're speaking it out of self-awareness to promote yourself as this ideal. You look like shit (literally, you're brown). Your arms are thin and lacking of muscular development and i suspect your legs find themselves in the same or in an even worst situation. Your torso has some development although just a little, yet it is enough to make it disproportionate with your limbs, lower back and neck. Given this i dont think you're in a position to say if Joshua's physique is either ugly or disproportionate as you suffer from these two in a way worse degree. -
RE: Why is the Ray Peat community so far right?
@Aryan_Racist Mainstream alternatives basically. There's a lot of people from the far right sphere on communities like Vertical Diet, Keto, Carnivore, etc.
It's a matter of not trusting the mainstream either because it is owned by jewish elites or because it is filled by dogmatic people towards science and authority (the later being also a complement to the former according to the far right spheres). -
RE: Is Sam Sulek ugly gymcel cope being passed off as "based and sigma"?
another thing noticeable here is that you can't have fun without renting a free space inside the minds of some fags and that people love to cope their own mediocrity by cherry picking extreme cases. You can't talk about beauty or aesthetic standards being a sub 170lbs pencil neck with spaguetti arms, non existent legs and some pretty weak yet visible abs (mostly because of really low levels of bodyfat). Yet, these weaklings will be the first to tell you they are actually sane, healthy and that you suffer from some mental disorder.
RE: Is Sam Sulek ugly gymcel cope being passed off as "based and sigma"?
@Sugar nice cherry picking but he doesn't seem to have acne scars anymore. I also don't get the anti-roids speech. Short question here: if you were to offer tren to an ancient greek athlete would he decline? i don't think so.
RE: how to work Glutes without looking like a fagg?
@Truth I'm just laughing at how wrong you're and how seriously you take yourself pajeet lmao
RE: how to work Glutes without looking like a fagg?
@Truth said in how to work Glutes without looking like a fagg?:
@Arvidivs On what I commented on this post, I know what I'm talking about, better than you for sure
I don't know Josua Kenyon( I wish him the best), if you think his physique and/or muscle volume is optimal in terms of athleticism, aesthetics, and perceived intelligence, you're wrong
"you're most likely a midwit resentful of people who pushed further than you"
It's you who is clearly being resentful and of limited intelligence at the moment, I don't "push", there's no point in "pushing", also i wish the best to others including those who do body building and have big muscle volume
Lolol "women opinion on your looks is completly gay to Care about", so that implies that according to you the opinion that matters is those of other men(free to you),
or just our own opinion, if it's just our own opinion according to you, why do the majority of people who do body building and try to have a big muscular volume, do it, just to look at themselves in the mirror regardless of other people's perception, so you think that if everybody wouldnt care about muscular volume and/or that one man would be the only person on earth, he would still do body building and try to have a big muscular volume for his own perception and/or for his own "health" and "energy"? Lolol nonsense
I'm attaching Joshua's images for reference:
Fellas, examples are worth more than any yapping. You guys can tell me if Joshua (shown in the images above) doesn't look aesthetic and athletic.
RE: how to work Glutes without looking like a fagg?
@Truth Yes, opinion of other men matter more than from women, they can relate to you since training is a masculine activity and there's nothing gay about it, masculine circles are something common even before recorded history. And yes, ideally, you should train for yourself because external factors won't give enough discipline to dedicate yourself on training and I think that's why you're pencilneck btw.
You talk so much about athleticism and functionality but, as it shows, you didn't train hard enough to get big and see for yourself if it is as dysfunctional as you like to affirm. The existence of athletes such as Mike Tyson and Alexander Karelin is enough to prove you wrong as they were strong, flexible and agile during their careers and they were heavyweights and there's a big chance they were on roids too. -
RE: how to work Glutes without looking like a fagg?
@Truth I don't think you know what you're talking about. Making an exception for professional bodybuilders using a comical amount of drugs, developing a great natural physique (yours is not a good example) will, in fact, make you look more athletic, aesthetic and even intelligent for one needs to study and practice a lot to develop an impressive and strong body. Joshua Kenyon is a great example in this case, if you tell me his physique is ugly and that he looks dumb, you're most likely a midwit resentful of people who pushed further than you. And honestly, women opinion on your looks is completely gay to care about, you should it to no one other than yourself. Not to say your statement is wrong as women tend to be more attracted to stronger and bigger males. Their sayings are completely different from their behavior around such types of men.
RE: how to work Glutes without looking like a fagg?
@Truth that's a whole lot of cope. Are you from India by chance? Lmao
RE: how to work Glutes without looking like a fagg?
@Aryan_Racist they just can't comprehend true passion.
RE: how to work Glutes without looking like a fagg?
@Aryan_Racist another tip: stop giving a fuck about what people will think about you. As you progress in your lifting journey, people will most likely think you got some pieces missing in your brain and that's okay lmao.
RE: how to work Glutes without looking like a fagg?
@Aryan_Racist Just stick with RDL's, Conventional Deadlifts and Heavy bellow parallel squats and you should be fine with glute development. Why would you think about leg curls when it comes to glute development tho?