@JAY I like the carrots at Buffalo Wild Wings to enjoy with my beef tallow Asian Zing boneless chicken wings (nuggets)

Latest posts made by Iodine
RE: What yourn favorite carrot
Eugenic Advice
As you all know by now, giving medical advice is outdated and null. “Medical advice” is leftist and libcoded through and through. We are now giving eugenic advice to our friends, family and kin in order to create a better man and ultimately a better society under God in direct opposition to the soyjak and zogcuck.
I think overall, peating offers some pretty good eugenic potential, especially within the Bulgarian school. Basic peating is pretty decent health advice for most. Stuff like B-vitamins, vitamins ADEK, thyroid support, some youth hormones, etc, all good for metabolism but if we want to have any sort of well-functioning society (of any size) and greater cultural cohesion in the future then we are going to need much more than health advice. There will have to be a complete and total change of medicine, everywhere.
All of this in whole will require going beyond basic metabolic recommendations. Everything good for health must be considered, and everything bad discarded. Most here already have a pretty good understanding of biochemistry and realize that the individual must truly be restored before anything else. The current world is falling and failing with its sick individuals. The political left has basically turned into a dysgenic mob seeking to destroy everything “healthy” by nature. All anyone really has to do now is remain healthy, have healthy children, and be an energetically viable vessel for good. The sick will collapse on their own, but they will likely bring down much of civilization with them into the greater collapse.
In the end, the meek will inherit the end, and we can be certain that those counted among the meek will not be biologically corrupt. There is so much evil in the current world surrounding human health. I believe it is imperative that we assimilate good eugenic advice for those we love.
RE: Bioenergetic Music/Music Theraphy.
@PUFADestroyerPPO this, Piano Concerto No. 3, and Symphony No. 2 are all absolutely incredible. Everyone must listen to Rachmaninoff!