@Living_thing Can you send me some details? Just want to make sure they don't scale it up because that would make it quite expensive for me to run.
RE: Peatbot
RE: Fog
A few years ago during the lockdowns I remember reading something about a military weapon that seemed to fit the description of this fog. I wouldn't underestimate it being chemical warfare. In 1950, the US Navy sprayed bacteria over the city of San Francisco in a fine mist without telling any of the citizens to simulate a biological warfare attack. It wasn't discovered for nearly 30 years.
RE: Peatbot
@Living_thing So glad to hear it helped you. It's not going anywhere!
RE: Trump/RFK’s health policy advisor may be a peater
The team that's driving health policy includes Casey and Calley Means.
@DkJoe2 Here's a great clip here you can check out. They talk about xenoestrogens being behind early puberty rate in girls and other issues: https://x.com/groypavitcher/status/1844569844684886214
This interview also shows how the Meanses have reviewed Ray's work: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ldAcHXnJQw
It's very exciting stuff. If you have any other people you would like to recommend to the RFK/Trump team then you should put them in this forum thread.
RE: We should change the appearance of this forum
@calvinklein21101 If you can figure out how to change the top bar using css and tell me the theme you're using I'll add the css to that theme.
RE: We should change the appearance of this forum
@Kilgore Do any of these seem better to you? They all seem worse to me.
If you don't like the appearance of the forum, first look through the "skins" -- Profile -> Settings -> Select a Skin
You can send me some custom CSS that you like and I'll set aside one of the custom skins and tweak it so that it fits your preferences.
As for the overall color/layout/css of the forum, you can post a snippet and a particular change in the Meta section with a poll. If most people like the change, then I'll add it to the default site's CSS.
RE: Eczema Cures?
@CatlikeLantern We've tried a bunch of things (a huge amount) and so far we're having surprising success with French Green Clay. The Rainbow brand (very inexpensive) is quite reasonably priced. We notice results after consistently using it for about three days in a row.
RE: Rudolf Steiner's Great Lectures Has Me As Impressed As When I Started on My Health Journey with Ray Peat
@yerrag Oh -- one more thing, you should make sure your search is for "titles and posts" and it will bring up more results. For some reason the default search only checks titles.