What is considered a impressive body temperature?
@Sugarnotsnow how did you take the 12 drops?
@BeamsOfEnergy basically 1-2 drops every hour until i reached 12
@Sugarnotsnow nice.
I think one thing I didn't account for when doing my high thyroid experiments, was keeping cholesterol up. I'd like to try it again and get my temps back up in the mid 99s without having a cholesterol crash -- I bet I'd do a lot better.
@LetTheRedeemed Yea at the time i was guzzling down raw eggs and milk to keep my cholesterol up and even so it was still on the low end of the range
@Sugarnotsnow wow. Thank you for sharing!
@LetTheRedeemed Of course!
@Serotoninskeptic how much eggs did you consume on average during that time?
@NokiaDrift up to a dozen a day
@Serotoninskeptic oh crahwp
@LetTheRedeemed ikr