Ideas/tips for insatiable hunger at night
@Mossy Yeah like you said, the issue with eating just fats and carbs and lots of them would prbbly be a disaster in terms weight gain
@DavidPS In theory this makes sense, but ive tried this intentionally myself and
a)it’s very inconvenient to my lifestyle
b)my appetite is always better later in the day
c)eating so much in the morning just doesnt feel good because im stressed all day and dont feel like i can enter a parasympathetic mode to comfortably digest my food (i feel so much anxiety throughout the day because of all the work im supposed to get done… i find myself always waiting for sundown)
d) even when i try to eat more during the day… im never any less hungry in the evening… im just as hungry at night whether i had 2 to 3 square meals beforehand or barely had much… -
@Tarzan17 - it worked for me. One size does not all. I hope you find something that works for you.
@Tarzan17 said in Ideas/tips for insatiable hunger at night:
@Jennifer yeah, for some reason eating more during the day never seems to help my hunger at night. Ive intentionally tried this to see if id desire to eat even a little less at night… but no noticeable difference what so ever… and the problem with ice cream is that i would need A LOT of ice cream before i feel full… it’s not exactly a filling food
i think my past habit of ‘volume eating’ has conditioned me to seek that physical ‘fullness’ sensation which is so hard to achieve with calorie dense easy to digest foods. But then your typical high volume foods aren’t exactly the friendliest on digestion (popcorn, yogurt with lots of fruit, certain veggies, smoothies to name a few)
I understand. When I was transitioning from a plant-based diet to an ancestral one, it took months before I felt satisfied on calorie dense food. You would need a lot of ice cream, but would it cause you physical discomfort? I needed a lot, too. This was back when commercial ice cream still came in 2 quart containers, and I averaged an entire one daily. It took gaining weight for my appetite to settle down so I’m wondering if yours will too after you’re weight restored? However, going by your response to Mossy, do you feel anxious about gaining weight?
@Jennifer Yep same here. Going from eating whole watermelons in one sitting, large portions of low calorie fruit/veg to eating calorie dense foods was tough at first. But i didnt restrict myself instead I allowed myself to have as much ice cream, honey, milk or cheese as i wanted until i felt satisfied. Once i restored my weight my appetite wasnt as unsatiable
The thing is , the only ‘clean’ ice cream i have access to is haagen dazs and i can only afford to buy 2 one pint containers a week.
Also, yeah incredibly anxious about gaining weightit’s not so much the number on the scale… but more just poor body composition…
@Tarzan17 Get an icecream machine, creami, or blender! Its really fun and easy to make your own
Maybe 30 minutes to an hour before bed, get a glass of OJ and your sugarbowl. Eat a spoonful of sugar, and wash down with OJ. Do this till it stops tasting good, usually 4 or 5 spoonfuls for me.
Then have a drop or two of T3, and tell me you don't sleep like the dead, and wake feeling rested and like you've been dreaming.
If I don't do this sufficiently, I wake in the beginning stages of a migraine, which means I need a spoonful or two of coconut oil in the evening as well.
In this case, I do the OJ and sugar first thing when I get up.
Do u track calories to make sure you’re generally getting enough? I don’t believe our bodies lie when they tell us they need more energy. Even if someone’s very overweight there’s likely some energy deficit or blocks in energy production
How long have you been "peating"? Some people need a couple of months of refeeding after being malnourished from other diets. Have you tried Ray's recommendation of sugared salted milk before bed? I usually do 1 tablespoon of sugar and 1/4 tsp salt per 8oz of milk. I think the combination of calcium and sodium should keep oxidative metabolism going throughout the night. I usually take vitamin D with it as well.
@Tarzan17 I know a lot of people say starch interferes with sleep but for me if I eat some potatoes at night I feel full and sleep well
I also like eating chunks of raw cheese or dried fruit though