Low Haemoglobin
Hi all
I have some concering blood testing results that I wish to correct
In my full blood examination, my as following, is low. -
Haemoglobin 124g/L (ref range 135-180)
Red Cell Count 4.0 (4.2-6.0)
Haematocrit 0.36 (0.38 - 0.52)
Neutrophils 41% 1.7 (2.0-7.5)I understand that these results aren't crazy out of the reference range, but after looking at old blood tests it seems these are all consistently low.
I am 17, male, 180lbs and eat 3.5k calories, 200g protein, 400g carbs, 110g fat on average. My main staples in my diet are
Beef, steak, eggs, honey, lots of raw whole milk and pasteruised skim, fruit, and no starches as I can't digest them. I workout and study hard and seem generally healthy.If anyone has any advice on what I can do to bring these levels up, I am willing to experiment with anything. Another blood test is scheduled in a months time.
You have to go back to the time your CBC blood work began to show these poor numbers and retrace to that time to figure and out what changed in terms of sickness, a change in lifestyle etc
This way, I can hazard some guesses on why your blood work took a turn south