Hyperparathyroid at 17 in a bind
So I though for the longest time that I had diabetes because I was adding sugar into my diet and it was not working. However my parents finally took me to the doctor and they are saying its hyperparathyroid as I had high calcium in my blood and normal blood sugar. Although I am still paranoid about the diabetes because I have insane excessive thirst but I think it is because my kidneys are starting to go due to having elevated PTH phosphate fatty acids etc for a long time. Im not sure what other issues I have yet. I also seem to have quite low testosterone but this could be for many reasons as I have sleep disordered breathing so i wake up gasping for air a few times a night. Im not sure if it was the kidney or High PTH that came first to be honest or if its something completely different. Im so unsure of what to eat. If anyone has been in a situation like this please give some recs.
What food, supplements etc should I be consuming.
I am trying to limit protein and fat because of the kidneys. I also cant seem to handle sugar. So im thinking so far Kale seems to be safe for me. but im not sure what else to eat. I need to keep pth low but also be mindful of my kidneys this feels impossible.
I can post my blood test results later and I will probably see an endocrinologist soon. -
Also I dont know if its my kidneys or parathyroid that is the main issue that started this they are still checking my kidneys this is hard to deal with
@gg12 Increase dietary calcium. This is because adequate dietary calcium can prevent the body from pulling calcium from the bones into the bloodstream. dairy products or powdered eggshells. lower parathyroid will improve thyroid production, which is what converts cholesterol into testosterone.
Taking dietary calcium isn't the first thing I would do if I were hypothyroid, as the calcium added will just get into your cells and tissues, and worsen internal calcification, which is a primary cause of kidney calcification and fibrosis, if there is such a diagnosis.
But the usual method of using serum and urine creatinine (and plugging in sex, age, and race) to determine an estimated kidney filtration rate isn't science as much as it is medical engineering along the lines of the much derided financial engineering taught in Ivy League schools by conniving bastards masquerading as professors and adopted by the AMA.
If you wanted to get a better idea of your kidney filtration rate, just collect a 24hr urine sample in a jug and bring it to a lab to testing for 24hr creatinine clearance and multiply the results to compensate for the creatinine produced by the kidneys. This is far more accurate as it's easy to see how ludicrous it is to get an eGFR when being older and being male and being of a certain race automatically lowers your GFR.
Iwould first take a creatinine clearance test to establish a baseline, as well as well as serum and ,,urine creatinine, serum PTH, total serum vitamin D, ionized serum calcium. And then get these measures of acid base balance: breath rate (bpm, to be used as a proxy for arterial blood gas, which is both painful and expensive), and urine and saliva testing using Hydrion pH test strips to determine your acid base balance status (search my old posts on RPF). As well as serum anion costing of sodium, potassium, bicarbonate and chloride.
If you are acidic, which is more likely, you will have to first make yourself balanced. By breathing carbogen as much as you can (preferably as you sleep) so that you bring your body stores of CO2 up, as CO2 will greatly help your pH levels go to healthy levels, being that a balanced pH is necessary to begin the process of getting the various systems in your body to work in harmony, in a virtuous cycle, without which you will be stuck instead in a stressful cycle, better known as a vicious cycle.
Without setting this stage first, all other succeeding therapy will be ineffective and akin to forever fighting small fires with endless intervention.
For sure, this is just the start. More to come.