Enclomiphene and topical dht
Would 6.25 mg of enclomiphene every second day and 25mg of topical dht work well together to stop the suppression.caused by dht or would the estrogen blocking and the actual reduction of estrogen cause a bout of low estrogen side effects ? How do you think dht would be without a test base would it be pointless ?
@obscuremelon 70mg transdermally daily did lower T in a study
I figure 5mg 3x per day probably won't be suppressive at all. haidut says something like 25mg probably wouldn't be and would probably give the body what it desires. to be safe if you really care about not being suppressive I think 5mg 3x a day is probably best.
dht without test base isn't pointless, it's actually quite good
@sushi_is_cringe 70mg of DHT applied transdermally, would typically result in around 7mg of DHT being absorbed transdermally, due to the poor absorption of pharmaceutical gel formulations. Testogel for example, only has an absorption % of 11, which is why massive doses of 50mg of testosterone are given in each dose.
@alfredoolivas @sushi_is_cringe thanks for the reply guys I’m just looking for anything that could make me feel more confident and increase libido really with some small muscle gains . My t was sitting in the 200s last year in two separate blood tests I do all the right things so I’m not sure what is going on.. enclomiphene was good but I still don’t feel like my old self its missing something and actually doing t is a little scaring when I’m planning a family in the next years
Im doing enclo 12.5 and proviron 12.5 - 25 both ed (and exemestane 1mg e3d) as a mini pct now after a trial of physiological T and 70mg e2d drostanolone. I wasn't supressed much so i feel that after 1 week pct my balls are fully back. Original ball size, good mood, strong morning wood, big semen loads. But I'm going to keep doing the enclo and proviron because i feel so good on it. Will probably switch to topical dht when my proviron is used up to see if there's a difference. I like the tought of producing my own T and DHT. Maybe I'll try adding 250u hcg e3d in the future.
@obscuremelon your low T is a symptom of a bigger issue, it’s probably not the cause of your issues. You also have no idea why you are hypogonadal - is your LH too low ? Do your testes not respond to LH? Etc.
Antagonising the estrogen receptor in the pituarity and agonising it elsewhere with a SERM, to flood yourself with LH is a terrible way to try to fix your issues.
@laoa hans amoto (men-elite, testo-nation) got his T up to like 1200ng dl naturally
his subscription fee is like $300 a month and he has hundreds of subscribers, i think he probably has valuble information because earnings is a reflection of value
Lh 3 u/l
Fsh 8 u/l
Estrodiol <85 pool/l
Testosterone 15.5 nmol/l
Shbg 41 nmol/l
Dhea 8.3 nmol/l
Free testosterone 279.4 previously 232.4 pool/lOther biomarkers out of range transferrin 24 , bilirubin 23
I have tried lowering shbg with boron, tongkat Ali and have had no effects
I notice more of a difference on enclomiphene, and cistanche
I excercise a lot, I eat well, I sleep well now need to get a new blood test to see where my new range is as this was a while ago but I can just feel when my levels are lower these days. I will do a new blood test in two weeks once cistanche is out of my system . Any help with this would be great as the doctor won’t help me and I’ve tried my hardest and I can’t seem to crack it . The weirdest part is I look like someone with relatively high t I have a lot of muscle visible 6 pack not a load of facial hair but very athletic looking I just don’t feel the way I look.. lh to fsh ratio is off too hence why I went down the enclomiphene path it might not be the best option but it’s better than shutting down the testes forever
Hans is becoming more and more cringe, good for him his business is doing great, but he's not someone I look up to at all, let alone want to be like him.
I know enclomiphene is not viable long term and has lots of potential risks, even without the zuclomiphene, but I like to explore what it feels like to have heightened LH/FSH and higher androgens without exogenous hormones. I want to be able to compare.
And as for OP if hesscared of needles and supression this could be a viable, though riskier and more unknown territory option, providing he's doing the basics already. -
@laoa y u say dis?
Not scared of needles scared of shutting down the Crown Jewels forever as you should be ..
I -
@obscuremelon well then dont mess around with serms and exo adrogens obviously, use the sparse energy you waste on worrying about serms and supression to find whats actually causing your low T, as Alfredo implies, go to the source of it. Endocrine disrupters come in many many forms, do you carry emf near the balls, did you take fluoride tablets as a kid, did you play in the dirt where there used to be a production of anything pfas and similar, did that thyroid get a bump when they xrayed the shit out of you to put on them damned braces, were you a victim of 60's parents that raised you on soymilk and tofu, you maybe work a heavy metal infested job, is all the light you see during the day fluorescent bulbs shining on that hip workfloor of that hipster startup, you sure you get you diet right and adjusted to you personally, you took any antidepressants maybe, did your mom enjoy her prozac when pregnant, .. thousands of, at least partly, correctable reasons that dont involve serms or androgens. Dont bandaid the arterial bleed.
Yes mate well aware of all those things I have done a genetic test . Done blood tests I try and avoid these disrupters as much as I can . Doesn’t really help me get to fixing the problem right away does it I have spent enough time trying to figure out what the problem is I want a solution now that can counter it I have now spent since November 2023 trying to figure this out
Enclo isn’t great. It does increase serum T, but I found it causes low e2 symptoms after a while, even if serum estrogens are high. This isn’t a drug I would take consistently long term.
It won’t prevent shutdown from synthetic androgens because it only blocks the negative estrogen feedback.
@Mallard6146 said in Enclomiphene and topical dht:
It won’t prevent shutdown from synthetic androgens because it only blocks the negative estrogen feedback.
Well natural androgens such as testosterone and nandrolone and synthetic androgens such as dianabol, boldenone and trestolone turn into estrogen and can exert their supressive effects via estrogen. So it can help mitigate shutdown driven by synthetic and natural androgens.
Makes sense.