@ffrench my mom used to work in finance and it ruined her completely in all aspects and never truly recovered. Why do a job where you have constant stress and be subservant to assholes and have to hide yourself, considering risky cosmetical surgery just to be not dismissed. There's much better, meaningfull jobs. The money won't be worth the next mental breakdown.
Latest posts made by laoa
RE: Self Harm Treatment?
RE: Self Harm Treatment?
Or you could wear them like battlescars, as a sign of what you overcame. Any person can see they're old scars by now, so they shouldn't stigmatize you as "mentally unstable" now and if they do they're ppl you don't want in your life anyway.
With proper metabolism indeed they will fade more and more. You could look into antifibrotic things, defirbron could be a start to look for studies, you could look into liverfibrosis reversal studies and serotonins involvement. The scars will never fully fade but a lot of scartissue can still be replaced.
I'd rather try to accept them than to do a skingraft, you'll still very much see the skingraft, if it's on your arm, ppl will assume you're transgender, skingraftscars are straight up frankenstein plus you'll make even more scars where the graft came from, like your thigh, better to not take away more skin function. -
RE: Enclomiphene and topical dht
@obscuremelon well then dont mess around with serms and exo adrogens obviously, use the sparse energy you waste on worrying about serms and supression to find whats actually causing your low T, as Alfredo implies, go to the source of it. Endocrine disrupters come in many many forms, do you carry emf near the balls, did you take fluoride tablets as a kid, did you play in the dirt where there used to be a production of anything pfas and similar, did that thyroid get a bump when they xrayed the shit out of you to put on them damned braces, were you a victim of 60's parents that raised you on soymilk and tofu, you maybe work a heavy metal infested job, is all the light you see during the day fluorescent bulbs shining on that hip workfloor of that hipster startup, you sure you get you diet right and adjusted to you personally, you took any antidepressants maybe, did your mom enjoy her prozac when pregnant, .. thousands of, at least partly, correctable reasons that dont involve serms or androgens. Dont bandaid the arterial bleed.
RE: Enclomiphene and topical dht
Hans is becoming more and more cringe, good for him his business is doing great, but he's not someone I look up to at all, let alone want to be like him.
I know enclomiphene is not viable long term and has lots of potential risks, even without the zuclomiphene, but I like to explore what it feels like to have heightened LH/FSH and higher androgens without exogenous hormones. I want to be able to compare.
And as for OP if hesscared of needles and supression this could be a viable, though riskier and more unknown territory option, providing he's doing the basics already. -
RE: Enclomiphene and topical dht
Im doing enclo 12.5 and proviron 12.5 - 25 both ed (and exemestane 1mg e3d) as a mini pct now after a trial of physiological T and 70mg e2d drostanolone. I wasn't supressed much so i feel that after 1 week pct my balls are fully back. Original ball size, good mood, strong morning wood, big semen loads. But I'm going to keep doing the enclo and proviron because i feel so good on it. Will probably switch to topical dht when my proviron is used up to see if there's a difference. I like the tought of producing my own T and DHT. Maybe I'll try adding 250u hcg e3d in the future.
RE: Any experiences with DHT?
@jamezb46 at the low 25mg ed dose, it was in combination with 50-100mg preg ed and it took about 2 months to start seeing effect but it felt good to not have a rushed progress, felt natural.
RE: Any experiences with DHT?
I've triend DHT transdermal in different formulations, made by myself and also the one from pannacottas. I never felt much at different doses, including no obvious negatives, maybe just a bit more unshakeable by events. Also made a vitE oral/bucccal version, that one gave me a very slight calm euphoric feeling. This formula was hard to dose in higher range so never tried more than 10mg iirc.
I wonder not really feeling the transdermal dht is because of the enzymes in the skin converting dht to 3a-diol, which is a much lesser potent androgen but does have more gabaergic effects.
Testosterone I do feel in the same transdermal formulations. Testosterone also very clearly makes me less tired during and after all kinds of excercise. Maybe because I end up, paradoxically, with more dht because of 5a-reductase in the skin.
DrostanoloneP/E injections I also do feel but nothing amazing like some claim. Just a more steady, calm demeanor and slightly improved energy and nice body recomp without significant mass gain. It is something I might plan to keep doing low dose, like 30mg eod.
Proviron seems to do nothing acutely but over time it does seem to have a slight anabolic/recomp effect, also makes loads more concentrated/thicker.
Would love to try IM DHTE/P but can't find a source and dont want to bother to homebrew because of my limited chem knowledge and equipment.
Safest and most effective way to boost DHT, to me, seems transdermal T, maybe with very low dose exemestane on hand. -
RE: Immune system support post chemotherapy?
Thymalin or thymosin alpha
RE: peaty books
Have you read the Sun Eater series by Christopher Ruocchio?
Made we wonder about our place in the universe and the host of unknowns in it, even if you dont believe in space as it is portrayed in our society. The main character has some strong hero characteristics but also some anti-heroism. You want the main to succeed but he doesnt always and if he does there's always a doom element in it, yet he never gives up on his beliefs and his pursuit of the truth about himself and the universe (not in a boho hippie way).If you like antihero dark epic fantasy then maybe The Broken Empire trilogy by Mark Lawrence is your thing. It's been a long time since I've read it but I remember the main character being strongly anti-hero with an interestingly dark mind. Also some gore. Should read it again soon
RE: Experiments with transdermal hormones
Thank you
Actually I think theres room for improvement still. 10% ipm might be safer and almost just as effective for lipid disruption in the skin. I'd have to think about what to replace it with.