Detoxing from Atmospheric Stressors
It really is terrible what they’re doing. Spraying. I’m visiting friends in Southern California and the sky was sunny, the weather said it would start getting cloudy and be cloudy all the next day. But you could watch them spray dozens of tracks in sky for the next two days making a shity dirty thin mono cloud wall. Not real clouds. Then after two days of the spraying it’s cloudy but windy as fuck. Just insane. And blizzards and thunderstorms all over the Midwest where I live. Dirty rain. dirty snow. Everything is just covered in filth after a rain.
Anyway to answer your question. Co2.
You got to be boosting co2. However you can. Seems to be thee most protective thing to the cells right? All the Ray Peat basics really. -
@dapose hell yeah. I will get on the CO2... it's nice that others are aware. It's so blatant the last few years.
@Corngold I am grateful for the few days when I can see and feel the sun clearly. It does make me sad that the sun has gone from yellow to a harsh white. The magnetic poles shifting and the atmosphere getting thinner. It feels nice for a bit but then it starts to feel harsh. I am not pro chem trails I honestly think its fixing the symptoms instead of addressing the problem (A thin atmosphere) How long will the bandaid of chemtrails last while the earths atmosphere rots away and the suns radiation destorys us? Maybe the earth deserves a good reset. Also when I was in california I could feel it in my lungs after a day out. Where I live it rains a bit so maybe that means less toxins in the air.
@gg12 I think Earth pole reversal takes several thousand years though?
@dapose I be under the covers for like 10 minutes before falling asleep
@Corngold Its coming soon bro
@gg12 said in Detoxing from Atmospheric Stressors:
How long will the bandaid of chemtrails last while the earths atmosphere rots away and the suns radiation destorys us? Maybe the earth deserves a good reset.
Maybe avoid youtube for a while gg.
@ThinPicking XD
just one example, insurance industry in Alberta admits to spraying silver iodide in storms to reduce risk of hail that causes damage to vehicles. the millions of dollars spent on this every year in Alberta is still less expensive than paying the potential insurance claims of hail damage.
multiple articles easily found on google of geo-engineering projects, including scientists admitting that they don't really know the wider overall effects of such things
recent confrontation between a Californian woman and a chemtrail pilot at 1am after he landed where he admits he is spraying on orders of higher ups
chemtrails are basically mainstream now. news outlets will run stories on "geo-engineering", gates foundation will release a paper on UV blocking via chemtrails, and the same news outlets disseminating this material will call people who are concerned about chemtrails "conspiracy theorists"
Thoughts on the 911 hurricane sushi?
True. I've read enough to see it's just hush hush govt work and yeah it makes sense they're doing it for economic reasons. Cloud seeding for more rainfall and whatnot. I detest it!