the vitamin A toxicity grift needs to end
I know. I know. He's also exhibiting various neurological problems on a regular basis. The chap's so featureless I can see it in a time series of text messages.
And it will. Give it time. This won't end well.
In the meantime, on some level. I hope he publicly denounces and retracts so the harm un to others stops, climbs down of his own accord, resumes a varied diet and reforms his marriage. Which by his own admission ended because of carrot related insubordination. Now I'd say this is unlikely. But these are unlikely times.
@henkboogaart014 He said something along the lines of "every time I ate it my thyroid went down so I only take it once a week" . I dont remember which interview or maybe it was an email. I have it seared in my memory as I was just begining to question the Vitamin A (retinol from animal sources ie) thing.
@ThinPicking carrot related insubordination is very serious. It does need to be handled severely and swiftly. I would never stand for it.
Is there any way that Charlie has been made an offer he literally could not refuse? We'll give you this (n = lots) money and you'll step aside. Otherwise, we'll throw you in jail for whatever horseshit we feel like??
Although, he was never a sharp dude.
@Regina This could have happened to Charlie, LOL -
I've been missing Burtlancast's posts on the RP forum. He hasn't posted anything since October. So I started going through his old posts yesterday for clues and may have learned why. If you're able you should go take a look at his vitamin A comments on the "Low Toxin" posts from a few years ago. Charlie agreed with him back then, and now suddenly he's gone? So I asked Charlie yesterday if he banned Burt. I haven't heard back from him, but Burt made such good points I'm nearly certain that's what happened.
[link text](link url)
Please excuse me for savoring this GOTCHA moment.
@S-Holmes Hahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!
I love this new forum. It gives me a place to vent and keeps me out of trouble over on the RP forum
I'm probably in trouble now.
@S-Holmes You're done.
What does mr. smith's face tell you? To me he looks terribly ill and it seems like his entire facial structure is melting, his eyes are especially concerning.
Yes, indications of hypothyroidism in his eyes. His skin is also very pasty, no glow of health. Does anyone know his age?
@thyroidchor27 i remember ray peat saying that as time went on he only ate the liver once a month instead of once a week due to the vitamin a content, but this doesnt mean that he got hypothyroid everytime he ate it or that vitamin a is always bad to consume. It just means he was eating more than he needed
I stopped eating liver several years ago. I'm on the fence about using a very small amount of retinol topically, and intuitive eating is what I now practice. No hard and fast dietary restrictions except for seed and nut oils.
I don't know about you all but I'm looking forward to digging into this one.
Is Hidden49 on this forum yet? If not, who wants to invite them? Better do it quick before they get zapped.
I finally got a chance to read over this Vit A deficient diet that's being talked about.
Seems to me the diet being promoted would create a choline deficiency over time, which is a contributing factor to dementia. And, I have noticed in the people promoting it (Grant, Charlie, Garrett) a particular aggressiveness. Which is in fact associated with the onset of dementia.Anyone with me on this?
Has anyone noticed the odd aggressiveness of these people? I'm sure they're well meaning individuals but there's just something off about the way they share their thoughts.Edit.. seems like it's going from one extreme to another.
Apparently this is what you should be eating
@Peatly I like all of those foods but WHERE is my rainbow? Gotta have it. I actually crave vegetables, even salad. Does anyone remember Dr.Lita Lee? She was one of RP's friends and promoters and I did a consult with her. She told me to eat salad. I was happy to oblige.