New "Mission" of RPF
Extra butter. LOAD UP on the vitamin A.
@questforhealth I
Butter, without it life is less.
What do you mean? BUTTER is toxic.
Beef and rice only.
@questforhealth Butter is NOT toxic, only for Charlie, heck I'm having boiled carrots tonight tossed in butter, Yum
You know it!
Sorry if this has been mentioned, but it looks like Vitamin D is "toxic" as well. I don't have a problem with people discussing the pros and cons of things or a new take on research on something, but these proclamations from anonymous posters grabbing this or that anecdote or study wrapped around to support grandiose claims by various 'experts' is just total garbage. This is what we had for health information before Ray Peat. Interesting that this person wants to link Vitamin D to the 'allergy epidemic', because it has been speculated that the increased vaccine schedule is causing allergies/autoimmune symptoms. I smell a rat.
We have to sit inside and become reptiles like Charlie. Cave dwellings reptiles Im telling you.
It’s obvious why Charlie never shows his eyes or face.
@C-Mex You can find, and post any study that 'fits' your/their narrative, glad I haven't even glanced at that forum for a while, It's now a cesspit, strong I know but more and more deserving of the word
@ilovethesea said in New "Mission" of RPF:
More evidence this is a coordinated attack. I found on Ray Peat Reddit there are a couple threads about RPF imploding.
There is one user all over them crusading for low vit A and that “Ray Peat’s ideas don’t work”
That person is obviously a plant. No legit organic movement would have people like this coming out of the woodwork at the same time on multiple forums. Do they think we’re really this stupid??
Yes. Yes they do think we're this stupid. Sadly, some are that stupid. Ideally with age and experience comes wisdom.
@Truth "Esteemed Members...there will be total war on the Retinoids"
NPC is moved by ChatGPT authored speech LOL
@Kvothe said in New "Mission" of RPF:
@Truth "Esteemed Members...there will be total war on the Retinoids"
@saturnuscv Yeah, that was some real weird stuff… then “The Sir” calls it out, and like an uncontrollable Pavlovian response: threat of ban…
Yeah, say what you will about Vitamin A. If restricting it makes you act like that, then I’ll continue to eat foods with it.
@Truth said in New "Mission" of RPF:
@Kvothe said in New "Mission" of RPF:
@Truth "Esteemed Members...there will be total war on the Retinoids"
The man who is too dumb to write a coherent statement in his own words is the same man who has identified the singular cause of all health problems. It's a miracle. God is truly good. #GodsArmy #Schizophrenia
@yerrag not gonna lie, I miss his scraggly gruffly voice
@GreekDemiGod you told me on the RPF that using thyroid is useless. I don't take your advice very strongly. No one here is saying there aren't multiple ways to finding better health. I think you should read Ray. He eludes to this.
The RFP has become an authoritarian dumphouse. Charlie Checkers is banning anyone who disagrees with him. It's clearly obvious. After Haidut posted a bunch of pro vitamin D studies, he's going to get removed.
@Gaston I really want to feel sorry for the guy but goshdarnit! he makes it difficult! Does he not know that the scriptures teach if a "man" wants to lead he should be the servant of all? That's Christianity 101. Pulling the shady salesman bait and switch using RP's name, and hammering people right and left for asking questions and having opinions isn't the way. It kind of reminds me of the inconsiderate driver who constantly rudely cuts people off in traffic and has a "God Is My Copilot" bumper sticker. I mean, is He though? I want to say, "Take off the dang bumper sticker before you do anymore damage!"
It's becoming beyond obvious that Charlie and InChristAlone are the same person. Every time Charlie posts so does ICA