John Wick is missing for some reason. I fix
The Cook, the Thief, His Wife & Her Lover
Funny Games
Salo : 120 days
The piano teacher 2001
The wicker man 1973 -
@gg12 You have a horrific taste
I will check out some of these. I assume you are recommending the original version of Funny games?The Rise of the Horror Genre. His description of Marquis De Sade is hysterical. The horror genre is great for catharsis. I think he nails Dracula also.
The first John Wick film has some bad moements, but it is worthwhile. The later films in the series should be burned (not in that way).
Pride and Prejudice (2005) is golden. Flipped, and Punch-drunk Love are great romance films as well. It is interesting to see Punch-drunk Love agains Phantom Thread. The magic stunning feeling of new love against the value of a loving companionship.
Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy is underrated. The BBC radio play is also good.
can we praise the Star Wars prequels also? Paglia maxing. The architecture and interior design are imaginative to a degree that is totally lacking in most big budget films.
Clint Eastwood also deserves more respect as a director.
Too many great movies to list so here's my letterbox list -
@Nomanarch Thanks for watching Nowegian Cinema
I think Max Manus, and Insomnia are better films though.
I did not like Dune and Uncut Gems.
I see that you like David Lynch and P.T Anderson. The fact that you gave The Room five stars is hilarious. You should give Samurai Cop five stars as well.
Falling Down is a good film. Chef is also a warm film.
@Norwegian-Mugabe I'll definitely check out Max Manus and Insomnia, thanks for the recs. I have a soft spot for things that can be ironically enjoyed, like Kung Pow! Enter the Fist, so I will check out Samurai Cop.
Groundhog Day
@Nomanarch I think you will enjoy Samurai Cop a lot then. It is my favourite failure film.
@Dedeluded Charles Murray remarked that Groundhog Day is an Aristotelian masterpiece in this interview: I do not remember when in the interview he talkes about this film. Lost in Translation is aslo a fun film.
Some film interviews I like:
The Mythology of Star Wars with George Lucas
David Foster Wallace discussing films with Charlie Rose NEVER KILL YOURSELF
Jonathan Bowden, 'Hans Juฬrgen Syberberg: Leni Riefenstahl's Heir?'
P.T Anderson interview
Peter Jackson When Peter tells about getting funding, he shows that he is a fantastic storyteller.
Anthony Hopkins
Nick Nolte -
@Norwegian-Mugabe said in GREAT MOVIES:
Charles Murray remarked that Groundhog Day is an Aristotelian masterpiece
Dumb and Dumber - pothead masterpiece
Thew Will Be Blood (unusual but still really good)