Green Shits from DHT - Concerning or Digestive Nirvana?
Been taking exogenous DHT for a few weeks and have developed green shits which I'm positive are due to the DHT and not other factors. I've read that green shits aren't necessarily a bad thing, as they usually mean that your stool is transiting so quickly through intestines/colon that your body doesn't have enough time to reabsorb the stomach acids as it typically would.
Aside from this, I've experienced no issues. No stomach pain, no issues with food, stools are otherwise perfectly normal. In fact, my number of daily stools has increased quite a bit. I've paused DHT for a few days now as a precaution but stools are still green. Could this present long term issues if I continue DHT? Or have I achieved peak digestion?
@Master Any update on this?
I stopped taking the DHT not long after making this post because it was freaking me out. However, the past few weeks I've been experimenting with using Stearic Acid as my main fat source and the green stools have returned. So I'm assuming it just means very fast transit time. I'm going to tentatively say it seems like a good thing, stomach bloat is way down, and fast transit time should be a good thing according to the Peatarian view.
Also I changed my user account to this.