Brain sex differences: the androgynous brain is advantageous for mental health and well-being
@dan-dominic this might be it. It could also be that androgynous people succeed in a society where women are taking on male roles and where men are taking on female roles. Any guy with high T-levels will have a difficult fitting into the longhouse. Any feminine women will be stressed out by the competition that she is shoved into by stupid feminists.
I've experienced both high progesterone androgynous mindset and high T in my life and that makes sense... A lot of sense... I think it's easy to remember our mindsets and hormones can change in days by changing diet and what we do
An androgynous brain gives you the flexibility to do both no?????
you need androgynous looks with high T brain, like Ernst Junger or Alain Delon (beat his wives)
This made me laugh
I might try doing meat and potatoes and black coffee for a week when summer comes around to see what happens
@Norwegian-Mugabe Yea but I think a lot of the "woman taking on male roles" is driven by the fact that in a toxic environment, the men end up suffering more severely (as shown by the studies on what influences male infant mortality) so then the women are the ones who are left with the motivation to persue the roles. Then its a vicious cycle and a feedback loop once you deal with the fury of a female boss or female teachers.
We need salvation.
Yea that’s always something I’ve thought about. I think the rise of feminism and woman taking on more masculine roles comes from a lack of promising, motivated and innovative men today and woman feeling like they need to fill the gaps.
The environment has pushed men to become more feminine and women more masculine. Ultimately this is because they are both becoming increasingly estrogen and cortisol driven. I see it in the young men around me, they are not driven, only a small few. -
@Jakeandpace Yea it’s sad. You can see how males have much higher rates of autism, suicixe, and also violent crimes. When the environment is toxic, they seem suffer more. The same is true in the other way around though, when the environment is good men excel to much higher heights in every way.
I think the use of birth control might make women more masculine. It certainly leads women to pick more feminine men. Most of the manly boys are also put on Ritalin.
It is crazy how stressed out the women at my office are. They are looked upon as successful because they make big money and have jobs that few are capable of getting, yet they are miserable. The crazy part is that this is going to get a lot worse in the next generation. More young women are electing to study the subjects that lead to long work hours now than in earlier generations. These young women have apparently failed to perceive how wretched and unhappy their fat, stressed, and lonely mothers are. The majority of law and economics students in Norway are now women. There are over 50% more women who take higher education than men. Most of these women are not willing to date men who do not have a degree from uni. The average doctor in Norway works 55 hours a week, and around 80% of medicine students are women. Women also have a higher usage of alcohol, medicine, and tobacco even though they tolerate it far less. I would be very anxious to get a daughter in a society that signals such poor ideals to women. -
Thought about this
I don't think androgynous NPCs that are happy for no reason makes sense? but idk
I am only happy now because I found peat. When I combined peat with what I knew about growing food and agriculture and energy flow through soil and human food chains it all made sense that i can live a good life
I am so happy my mother didn't put me on adhd drugs. Tried them for 3 months recently never again ever am I ever touching ANYTHING from big pharma. Nature is going to heal me and allow me to live a good life. The school was BEGGING my mum because I would always just do the opposite of what the teacher said just for fun haha
The school had a fruit and vegetable garden and I'd just skip classes and pick fruits and dig massive holes and shit for no reason...
Strange world we live in tbh
@Norwegian-Mugabe I think they pick more "feminine" men because they pick someone who has the same phenotype as them (estrogenic). Assortative pairing shows this.
Do you think theres hope to reverse this? I think we might be about to see a big change for the better. I feel it coming.
@Norwegian-Mugabe Women aren't doing this because they enjoy it. Women are stressed because they can't be free, they can't be themselves. Muscles, reflexes, intelligence all things that allow men to be free regardless of how fucked up their environment is. Women don't have these properties usually so they can't be free, can't be themselves in a broken society. They become what they need to become to survive. Which, currently, is either a miserable wage slave or miserable whore. Neither of these options are good.
The main thing that progressives did was stripping away the protections society was extending to women. Tearing apart the family union that protected women from having to leech off of random suitors or corporations.
Only if we succeed at rebuilding that protection for women are we able to see their true selves.
@dan-dominic You are correct. The total amount of skills and value decreases in our society as we have less spectrum of gender differences. Pure masculine men are better than both feminine men and masculine women at most tasks. Feminine women are totally supreme over masculine women and feminine men at nursing and child-rearing. By increasing the number of masculine women and feminine men, we are decressing the extremely valuable synergic effects of a society filled with masculine men and feminine women. We are moving from a society of great polarity and a high total value, towards a society where everyone is mediocre at both feminine and masculine tasks. @pittybitty is right that this transition is forced as we move away from both extended and now lately also nuclear families. Father deprivation, hormonal imbalances, and the drastic change in the workplace are all increasing in speed. We will therefore have declining gender differences and a loss of the total amount of capability in our society. This loss prolongs the negative spiral.
Ok but surely we can get up and do something about all this.
Today my mother is too tired to wash dishes and I'm too tired to pickaxe the garden to grow fkin potatoes because I had to clean the house last night
fucked world
now I dont have a garden i can plant crops in or a clean house. what a shit life.
people can come up with nice ideas about this or that but people have hormones for a reason and stuff wtf
@questforhealth There is always hope as we have human agency. There are three changes that need to occur before trends start to become positive again. 1. Mass migration needs to stop. 2. The society needs to become patriarchal again. 3. Health and demographics need to matter more than Jewish interests.
Bonobos are matriarchal. Progesterone = matriarchy hormone????????
Here we have an american doctor telling us to take Progesterone..... yeah something fishy there
@questforhealth Read F. Roger Devlin's essay Sexual Utopia in Power. The marriage institution needs to be changed. I think American men pay 75% of taxes but only receive 15% of benefits. The whole system needs to be amended so women have to rely on men and not the welfare state. Marriage should be incentives and no-fault divorce needs to end. The divorce business needs to be put out of business. I think democracy have to go too. Read Curtis Yarvin a general introduction.
@questforhealth Yea I have hope, mostly because I’m a Catholic Christian. I believe that all of the nations will be liberated and converted. There’s always going to be evil until the end of time, but things will gradually improve (that’s what’s happened so far).
Also, generally, as history has gone on since the year 1 AD, things have gotten better in a lot of aspects. Of course there’s bad periods and evil, and certain eras have particular horrible evils (ours is the culture of death with its abortion, contraception, divorce, birth control, and euthanasia).
You look at how much labor people had to do in the past, with slavery, with infectious disease. now you can get a gallon of milk for $3 365 days per year 24/7, and if there weren’t suffocating government regulations then the access to medicine would be mind blowing the stuff that’s developed (thyroid, antibiotics, etc.)
I can write more but this is just some stuff and my overall paradigm.
What do you think I should do as a young man living in this time
Im trying to do a diet of raw meat and raw dairy with some salt on the meat as this gives optimal energy. But my family screams at me saying im going to get parasites even though nothing comes close to that sort of diet....
Currently working. I actually want to get a pair of goats. Then I can have baby goats for meat and goat milk. Instead my family wants you to go to university lol when they have land i could be farming on......
Why the fuck should i go to a place that demands I be on life destroying drugs (adhd drugs, amphetamines). This society IS AN INSANE ASYLUM. No doubts.
@questforhealth I was on a diet like that for a while, used to eat like 3lb raw meat a day, and I completely came out of that paradigm. I’m not sure if the bacteria/parasite are really the issue, but really it is better to eat cooked, and your taste buds should show you that and not some YouTube philosophers.
It’s crazy cause I was in the same position as you. With my family, with university, with diet. I ended up abandoning that diet after a year (and I went all out like I said 2-3lb raw meat, 1-2 gallon milk, etc.). Understanding Catholic Christianity changed everything for me.
I think if you want to satisfy your itch for what nature is supposed to be like and what we ate from the beginning, read the Bible and read what foods are celebrated there. This is the true story of the natural world.