How much iodine do you take?
Im taking 1 mg a day, but might soon go on 2 mg a day to make up for a longstanding deficiency
@thyroidchor27 25g
I take zero. I agree with Dr. Peat's assessment. I would use potassium iodide in gram quantities for something healthwise, but not interested in normally taking iodine on a regular basis.
@thyroidchor27 brahmin terra incel boss
@thyroidchor27 about 300mcg
I don't see why you need more
150 mcg, upwards towards 250 mcg 10-15 days later.
Now back to 150 mcg twice a week.
But when there is infection, I increase the frequency to every 2 days.
But before taking a kelp tablet (titled), you'd better improve selenium intake to protect thyroid gland. 100 mcg. Not only in case of Hashimoto.
Several studies have shown that supplementing with selenium reduces thyroid peroxidase antibodies (TPO) and the severity of hypothyroidism symptoms (not recognized / not well measured when you're borderline).
Not only when TPO-antibodies are present but also because selenium has a synergistic relationship with iodine.
And please, don't take Amazonia nuts on a regular basis to get Se. -
@thyroidchor27 Why would you take iodine?