Bacteria creating overgrowth of b12
@Samyo said in Bacteria creating overgrowth of b12:
I noticed im actually way colder, after more fiber intake too
Well, when the thyroid is sluggish, you usually feel weak and colder.
As you liver manage iron with difficulty, you have to take another way than with heme from meat.
To optimize iron absorption from non-heme sources (vegetables), we need the following nutrients / cofactors: Vit C, copper, B9 and B12 in order to allow iron to enter hemoglobine.To optimize the thyroid we need:
Zn, Mg, I and Se.
We often lack Mg and I. No Zn enough if you don't eat meat. -
@LucH said in Bacteria creating overgrowth of b12:
if you don't eat meat.
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Im sure I have plenty of iron?
@Samyo said in Bacteria creating overgrowth of b12:
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Im sure I have plenty of iron?
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I know. Assimilation and iron in blood are 2 different things.
Edit: Problem to get rid of excess iron in blood.
So forget Vit C, as it's going to amplify the assimilation.
NB: I don't master the whole subject. -
@LucH I wasnt eating much vitamin C prior to when my ferritin was at 488 on my first blood test
Im finding goat milk to make me warm but very itchy and dandruff prone
grains/starch all lead to dry skin, when im hot my sweat stings my skin
alot of supplements have the same affect, drying to my skin, cascara, betaine hcl i notice my left hand always drys out on my palmI took carrot salad to stop the direahh now, my bowels have stopped working
Samyo said
I wasnt eating much vitamin C prior to when my ferritin was at 488 on my first blood test.
=> Less beef (high in heme iron). When you eat meat, eat a slice of cheese (gouda or Leerdammer type). Above 40 mg Ca, there is less iron available, in theory.Im finding goat milk to make me warm but very itchy and dandruff prone
=> What about a milk without lactose, at a moderate amount (180 ml)? If you tolerate it well (digestion), the problem is elsewhere. Similitude of protein configuration with whey (agglutinin wga)grains/starch all lead to dry skin, when im hot my sweat stings my skin
=> Grain reaction is the sign of intolerance to gluten. Everybody is more or less reactive to wga. We repair the tight junctions during sleep. So moderation at the beginning of the process (SIBO) or total avoidance is required when the immune system has encoded the “enemy”.
=> Potatoes, bread and pasta are composed of two kind of starch. With soluble and insoluble fibers. If you don’t go to feces 2x/d, it remains too long in the second part of the colon. It feeds bacteria that have nothing to do there. Overgrowth in sight.A lot of supplements have the same affect, drying to my skin, cascara, betaine hcl. I notice my left hand always drys out on my palm.
=> No betaine Hcl if irritable bowel.
No cascara too with irritable bowel. If you’re constipated, I’ll try another approach. Get informed on MMC + B1.
I’ve use Resolor 0.5 mg. to assist the MMC in order to re-educate/facilitate postprandial intestinal contractions (inter-digestive).
MMC = Migrant motor complex
MMC makes reference to the intestinal motility due to electrical contractions in the inter-digestive periods (between two meals).
See my forum for details (my log): links
*) Dr. Costantini and bacterial overgrowth
SIBO, IBS, and Constipation: Unrecognized Thiamine Deficiency? – June 2020
*) Thiamine Deficiency - A Potential Cause of SIBO and other Gut Dysfunction?
Elliot Overton – Nutrition and Functional Medicine – 01/2019
Thiamine deficiency - A consequence or cause of SIBO?
Thiamine Deficiency as Potential Cause for Gut Dysfunction.
· Gut motility, stomach acid and digestive enzyme secretion, and regulation of the intestinal barrier are governed by the vagus nerve, which is a component of the autonomic nervous system.
· The lower parts of the brain responsible for autonomic nervous system coordination are highly sensitive to thiamine deficiency.
· Thiamine deficiency can lead to autonomic nervous system dysfunction, abnormal vagal tone, and lower acetylcholine synthesis.
· Autonomic dysfunction can induce all of the symptoms associated with SIBO and should be considered in cases where traditional therapies are ineffective.I took carrot salad to stop the direahh now, my bowels have stopped working
=> 30 to 40 g fibers when normalized bowels.
Need to calm down first. + reeducation of MMC.
If you suffer from bacterial overgrowth (gas, flatulence, alternate diarrhea with constipation, bad smell of stools (rotten eggs), you must elaborate a plan, with a progressive “attack”. First calm down, then moderate and orientate the kind of bacteria, possibly with some essential oils (e.g.) to kill excess proliferation. Don’t take a medicine / supplement to amplify the good microbiota at first side.Info on Resolor (prucaloride 0.5 mg), acting as a prokinetic, not as a laxative.
Prokinetics have the capacity to amplify and coordinate muscular contractions of the intestine. They can act on different sites of action, both on the upper part of the digestive system such as the stomach or the small intestine and on the colon. Prokinetics can improve gastric emptying by coordinating the closing of the lower esophageal sphincter and the opening of the pyloric sphincter while the stomach contracts. They are known for their ability to stimulate the migrating motor complex (MMC) to clean the small intestine of this waste. Certain prokinetics have the ability to improve intestinal transit and can be used for example during constipation. However, prokinetics should not be confused with laxatives. (…) -
@LucH said in Bacteria creating overgrowth of b12:
their ability to sti
my latest results.... -
serum b12 795 ng/l
serum folate 7.1 ug/l
serum ferritin 428 ug/L
serumb albumin 45 g/L
serum bilirubin level 11umol/L
Serum alkaline phosphatase 69 u/L
serum alt level 25 u/l
serum gamma GT level 21 u/l -
@Samyo .
@Samyo said in Bacteria creating overgrowth of b12:
@Samyo .
uncomplete. Give the fork (low / high level if you hope a comment.
@LucH im ganna stop meat and milk I dont think im benefiting from it, only seem to be getting high ferriitin and constipation with hair shedding
@Samyo said in Bacteria creating overgrowth of b12:
im ganna stop meat and milk I dont think im benefiting from it, only seem to be getting high ferriitin and constipation with hair shedding
I won't stop meat to lower ferritin but rather give blood twice a year.
Don't forget to balance with collagen if you don't eat cuts (oxtails e.g.). See bone broth for real food if you manage well histamine (allergy).
You won't recover if you don't make place (bacterial overgrowth) and if the transit is not improved (2x/d feces), not with a laxative like cascara or plums, not as a usual medicine Cascara is only acceptable in crisis. Too aggressive and it doesn't solve anything at the MMC level.
We are not on the same line.
You're not receptive enough. You don't have to agree, but you have to say it clearly and explain why; otherwise we have a sterile discussion... -
@LucH said in Bacteria creating overgrowth of b12:
have a sterile discuss
my doctor said they were satisified with my ferritin level... with oat bran i've been pooping twice a day
@Samyo said in Bacteria creating overgrowth of b12:
- my doctor said they were satisified with my ferritin level...
2.with oat bran i've been pooping twice a day
- Too generous (too high 428). I target between 150 - 250).
I cite:
If you decrease the excess free iron, you will decrease oxidative stress. (Chris masterjohn)
A serum ferritin between 50 and 200 is consistent with normal bone marrow iron stores. - Good news.
one half of the problem (thickness, color, tough stools) - What about bacterial overgrowth? How are you going to manage?
Perhaps "wait and see"?
If you do so, you'll probably join the club of SIBO/SIFO, soon or later.
Keep that in mind and come back to asks for useful info / links to learn how to deal with.
- my doctor said they were satisified with my ferritin level...
@LucH I need to work out why my hands and palms of my feet are orange too, when i compare people hands are more pink, I dont even eat much carotene, what else can it be?
Also how do I know if a rash is from high histamine or not?
@Samyo have you dont any food sensitivity testing? Sounds to me like you have a histamine response and have a food sensitivity to mushrooms likely due to intestinal permeability. Histamine will interfere with sleep it binds to H1 receptors and H3 in the brain and decreases acetylcholine signaling interfering with REM sleep and it is also a neurotransmitter which promotes wakefulness so will keep you up. It is why anti-histamines make us drowsy they interfere with histamine binding to H1 in the brain.
I would say you should run a GI MAP, find out what is going on in your gut, run a food sensitivity test and find out what you are sensitive to (other than mushrooms which is clear) and get an OAT (organic acids test) to identify any other possible stressors contributing to your symptoms (which I am sure there are more this reaction is not the only one). HTMA would be helpful here since minerals play a key role and sounds lik your mineral balancing is skewed, esp with the skin sx and immune sx. Once you know what foods you are reactive to you can remove them for 90 days, you can optimize your gut health and intestinal flora and get rid of any pathogens identified in the testing, and address any imbalances found on the OAT. Then your clear immune flares to certain foods and imbalances will likely clear up. -
@Kat Histamine is probably what gives me the rash
Orange juice, ketchup, coffee... icecream (a1 dairy)